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No statement of political beliefs and opinions of 325 million people (Americans) can be true.

Any statement of political beliefs and opinions will be true for some people (Americans).

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Q: What are American political beliefs and opinions?
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How do people form their political opinions?

Well to start off a lot of beliefs comes from their parents. They either want to be totally the same with their parents or exact opposite. Political opinions are also based off how people feel and have been treated and their personality. Obviously not everyone will agree on one thing. That is a major reason we have different political groups.

The term political socialization can be defined as what?

Process by which people formulate their political attitudes and opinions.

The process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes?

Political socialization is the process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes.

What is political culture?

Beliefs and opinions people share about government and social responsibilities of the society they live in. Culture refers to the way of life of a given people,that is, the shared norms,values, beliefs and practices of that given society therefore i think political culture refers to the political norms i.e(constitutions),political values i.e(democracy,equality), political beliefs i.e(justice), and political practices i.e(elections) that shape peoples attitudes,opinion,behavior and the level of participation towards their political system. It is this perspective that leads me to look at the following aspects of political culture of a given society; a society that has either a participant political culture, subject political culture or a parochial political culture

What will probably have the largest impact on a young person's political beliefs?

What will probably have the largest impact on a young persons political beliefs

Related questions

Is the beliefs and opinions people share about government and their relation to it?

Political culture

A political model used to compare political opinions is called a?

A political model used to compare political opinions is called a political spectrum. This model typically ranges from left to right, representing different ideological positions and beliefs on various political issues.

How did westerners encourage American democracy?

supporting beliefs in political equality

How does religion shape americans' political opinions?

Religion can shape a personâ??s political opinions because their beliefs may change the way they feel about the government. They may also not believe in certain concepts that are accepted by much of society, such as welfare or Birth Control.

Why can't science answer beliefs or opinions?

Science can impact beliefs and opinions only to the extent that the beliefs and opinions are based on repeatable observations of physical processes that can be subjected to experiment.

The traditional model of the political spectrum defines political opinions based on?

The traditional model of the political spectrum defines political opinions based on a spectrum ranging from left to right. It reflects different ideologies and beliefs, with the left typically associated with progressive or liberal views, and the right associated with conservative or traditional views.

What is a model used to compare differing political opinions?

The range of opinions (and those with opinions) is a "political spectrum."

How do gender shape political opinions?

People of different genders usually think similarly as relates to some matters. Political opinions are based on fundamental beliefs, therefore gender can cause many people of the same gender to on average think one way or another.

Is the beliefs and opinions people share about government and their relation to it.?

they believe that the government isnt doing things the way they should be doing things.

How does family shape americans' political opinions?

Family can shape Americans' political opinions through upbringing, values, and exposure to different perspectives within the family unit. Family members may hold similar political beliefs, leading to individuals adopting those views as well. Additionally, discussions and debates within the family can influence individuals' political ideologies.

What is political diversity?

Political diversity is the different political opinions that people have. It is allowing people the right of having different political opinions and outlooks.

What are political sentiments?

political thoughts or opinions