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Zoie Bergstrom

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2y ago
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13y ago

It provides a great living for armies of hairsplitting lawyers and law professors, and creates a strange priesthood who we refer to as the U.S. supreme court.

it has the reverse effect that is claims to have. it means the ruling elite can interpret things to mean anything they want it to mean. just another way to fleece the sheep and keep them coming back for more.

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7y ago

It is a great advantage for any nation to have a government that must follows the the stated powers of a written document such as a constitution. All the powers of a government ruling under the stipulated rules of conduct and laws that pertain to an orderly state of affairs is essential. A written constitution provides that, and under normal conditions, a written constitution provides a method or methods on how a constitution can be changed to fit new circumstances that did not exist when the constitution was first created.

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7y ago

Having a constitution is extremely useful in a creating any government because it sets the limits of governmental power and explains how the "political game is played" in clear and unambiguous language. This allows democracies to effectively enforce the Rule of Law and create equality of rights for all citizens and allows dictatorships show the ambit of the leader's power.

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7y ago

A constitution is a framework for government. A good government doesn't make up things as it goes along, but has the laws and philosophy written down as a constitution.

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