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There is no duties leader.

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Q: What are the duties leader?
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The duties and responsibilities of a housekeeping team leader include scheduling, organizing cleaning teams, and delegating tasks. A team leader is in charge of all aspects of team management.

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When the President of the United States performs ceremonial duties he is acting as the Chief of State. He is the symbolic leader of the country in this role.

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Was the patriarch the female leader of the Jewish tribe?

No, a female leader would have been called a matriarch. She would have had the same duties as a patriarch, but she wouldn't have been called one.

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In addition to the direct leader requirements what are other duties and responsibilities required of organizational leader?

manage multiple priorities, establish long-term vision, and empower others to perform the mission, and policy-making

What are the duties and responsibilities of a leader?

to keep people in line It seems to me it would be to set a good example, or better yet, an excellent example.