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The most important issues in different fields that are being faced today varies. One issue that is common is the lack of available positions.

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Q: What are the most important issues that your field is facing today?
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Continue Learning about American Government

How do the federalists arguments in support of government power reflect issues facing Americans today?

it helps alot of the issues

What is the biggest problem mankind is facing?

the main and biggest problem the mankind is facing today is pollution and overpopulation

What is a major threat facing the US today?

Both answers are correct

Is US Today a linkage institution?

Yes Us Today is linkage institution because it is the media and is a way of linking peoples concerns TO political issues possibly getting those issues on the policy agenda which makes it a linkage institution. Yes Us Today is linkage institution because it is the media and is a way of linking peoples concerns TO political issues possibly getting those issues on the policy agenda which makes it a linkage institution.

Why is it important to understand contemporary issues to effect social change?

It is not necessarily a given that in order to affect social change one must understand contemporary issues. Indeed, the effects of the Penelope Elysian war are still felt today. Alexander the Great affected greatly the view many non Western cultures take of the West today. Caesar, Jesus, and Mohamed all affect these contemporary times and had no clue, (although some might argue the point) as to the affects they would have today. Adolf Hitler has also made a great effect on contemporary cultures yet it remains unclear how much or how well he understood his own contemporary issues. In fact, contemporary times are so filled with issues it is unclear how any one individual could ever fully understand them and yet individuals affect change. It would seem understanding contemporary issues is not at all that important when affecting change.