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They have to be adults, but aside from that, there are no requirements - the president can appoint anyone he likes. Of course, they have to be confirmed by congress, so someone totally unqualified likely would not make it. Once appointed, they serve for life.

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11y ago

To be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, one must be appointed by the U.S. President, and the appointment must be approved by the U.S. Senate.

As long as he/she remains on good behavior, a Supreme Court Justice serves as long as he/she wants or as long as he/she lives (whichever comes first).

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There are no specific requirements to become a supreme court judge except they must of studied law under a mentor.

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Q: What are the requirements to be a Supreme Court Judge and what is their term of office?
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Who is the highest judge of the US Supreme Court?

The Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. At present, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is John G. Roberts, Jr.

Who can appoint a justice into the supreme court?

In India only the President can appoint any Judge in the supreme court.

What sector does the supreme court judge and the national parks ranger work for in the government?


What is the average tenure for a federal judge?

According to a 2008 report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the average tenure of federal court judges below the US Supreme Court is approximately 20-24 years (no fixed average available); the average tenure for US Supreme Court justices was approximately 25.5 years, but has been as high as 26.1 years. In 1970, the average tenure of a Supreme Court justice was around 15 years.

How many members are there of the North Dakota Supreme Court?

There are five justices seated on the North Dakota Supreme Court. As of May 2009, the members are: Chief Justice Gerald W. VandeWalle Justice Dale V. Sandstrom Justice Mary Muehlen Maring Justice Carol Ronning Kapsner Justice Daniel J. Crothers Unlike the US Supreme Court, where Justices receive a lifetime appointment, the term of office for a North Dakota Supreme Court judge is only ten years. Positions are filled during the general election of the year in which a particular judge's term ends; however, the North Dakota Constitution empowers the governor to appoint a Supreme Court judge for a term of two years before a general election must be held to fill a vacancy.

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How does someone become a suprem court judge?

Each Supreme Court judge is hand-picked by the President in office. That Supreme Court judge stays in office until death, at which time the current President will pick an appropriate replacement.

How long is a judge of the Supreme Court term of office?


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What is the length of a term of office for a Supreme Court judge?

The term is for their whole life

What is the length of the term of office of a supreme court judge?

They can serve for life or until they retire:)

How long is a term in office of a supreme court justice or a federal judge?

Until they retire, die, or are removed from office by Congress.

What is the retirement age for a supreme court judge?

The retirement age of a supreme court judge is at 65 years of age.

Who is the presiding judge at the Colorado Supreme Court?

The presiding disciplinary judge at the Colorado Supreme Court is currently Judge William Lucero. One may find further information about Judge Lucero via the official Colorado Supreme Court.

What supreme court judge is quitting and moving to another country?

As far as I know there is no Supreme Court judge quitting and moving.

Who is the highest judge of the US Supreme Court?

The Chief Justice presides over the US Supreme Court. At present, the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court is John G. Roberts, Jr.

What is the main job of a judge in supreme court?

The main job of a supreme court judge is to determine whether or not a law or case is constitutional.