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It is very important to know the steps for a bill to become a law. These are as follows; the bill is drafted, the bill is presented to the house, sent to committee, committee action, rules committee, Floor action, introduced to the Senate, Committee action, Bill called up, Floor action, conference committee, vote on compromise, presidential action, and the vote to override.

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7y ago

There are seven steps a bill must pass through before it becomes a law. The first step is the idea for the new law is brought up in either house. The second step is the new bill is assigned to a committee. Third, the bill must pass the committee with a majority vote. In the fourth step, the bill is brought to the Senate or the House it must pass a vote. In the fifth step, the bill will then be sent to the other house and pass their vote. The sixth step is if the opposing house changes the bill and passes a different version then both the House and the Senate must meet in a committee to go over the new changes. Finally, the bill is approved through the houses and sent to the president. The President can either veto the bill or sign it into law. (Just to add a little note there are 8 of them)

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12y ago
  1. Referral to Committee
  2. Hearing
  3. Markup
  4. Floor Consideration
  5. conference committee
  6. Presidential Action
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Q: What are the seven steps of how a bill becomes a law?
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The president signs a bill after the legisilative branch approves it. The president (executive branch) enforces or carries out a law ( or bill. )

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How a bill becomes a bill?

first a bill is only an idea, then it becomes a bill if the people like it and then it becomes a law

What happens after the president signs a bill?

When the president signs the bill, it becomes law. If the president refuses, the bill is vetoed, but if a two thirds vote by Congress, it can still become law.

What happens before a bill can become a law In the state of Georgia?

There is five steps to making a bill becoming a law in GA. Citizen suggest an ideal, member of the house tells about the bill, the senate and house vote to approve the bill, the government signs the bill and then it becomes law.

What do a bill and a law have in common?

A 'bill' is what the legislation is called before it becomes a 'law.'

Can a bill become a law even if the Governor did not sign it in Arizona?

Yes. Once the governor receives a bill, he can sign it, veto it, or do nothing. If he signs it, the bill becomes law. If he does nothing, the bill becomes law without his signature.

When a bill is passed it becomes a?

I'm pretty sure that it becomes a law

What is a law before it becomes one?

A bill.