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Independent agencies- called "independent" because they are not part of the Cabinet. Three types: * Executive agencies- part of a government department that is treated as managerially and budgetarily separate in order to carry out some part of the executive functions * Government corporations- permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety of types of agency. Although usage differs, a government agency is normally distinct both from a Department or Ministry, and other types of public body established by government. The functions of an agency are normally executive in character since different types of organization (such as commissions) are normally used for advisory functions, but this distinction is often blurred in practice. * Regulatory commissions- federal agencies that impose regulations but are free of political influence.

Ex. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Independent agencies-called "independent" because they are not part of the Cabinet.

Three types:

  • Executive agencies- part of a government department that is treated as managerially and budgetarily separate in order to carry out some part of the executive functions
  • Government corporations- permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an intelligence agency. There is a notable variety of types of agency. Although usage differs, a government agency is normally distinct both from a Department or Ministry, and other types of public body established by government. The functions of an agency are normally executive in character since different types of organization (such as commissions) are normally used for advisory functions, but this distinction is often blurred in practice.
  • Regulatory commissions- federal agencies that impose regulations but are free of political influence.

    Ex. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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βˆ™ 10y ago

There are three Congressional staff agencies to aid lawmakers in carrying out their duties. These are the Library of Congress, the Congressional Budget Office, and the Congressional Research Office.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

The three biggest independent executive agencies are NASA, SSA, and EPA.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

CIA and NASA are examples of independent executive agencies.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Environmental Protection Agency

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Which are not independent agencies of the national bureaucracy?

Independent agencies- called "independent" because they are not part of the Cabinet. Three types: * Executive agencies * Government corporations * Regulatory commissions

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Louisana State University Federal Agency Directory lists over 1,300 distinct organizations across all three branches of federal government: Legislative branch (Congress); Executive branch (President and departments and independent agencies); and Judicial branch (Supreme Court and Circuit Courts). link:

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There are three branches to the Federal Government. The legislative (Congress), executive (the President, departments and agencies) and judicial (the courts). I would have probably only called the departments and agencies of the executive bureaucracies.

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There are way more than three agencies! Perhaps you're thinking of the three branches of federal govenment: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

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The main parts of the executive branch in the United States are the President of the United States, the Vice President, the Cabinet, and various executive departments and agencies. These entities are responsible for enforcing laws, managing government operations, and implementing policies.

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The Executive Branch of government may consist of many agencies but the Branch itself is only one of three branches of the government. The other two branches of government are the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch.

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The first method congress uses to oversee the executive branch is for congress to require executive agencies to submit reports to congress on their activities. Second oversight technique is for lawmakers to ask one of the congressional support agencies to study an executive agency's work and also the power of congress to appropriate money provides another means of oversight

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Montesquieu proposed the 3 branch system of government that served as a general model for the United States: executive, a legislature, and a judiciary as the "Powers" of that state under any one of three basic administrative forms.

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There are three. The Executive, consisting of the President and his various agencies. Governors also fit this category for states. The Legislative, which is our congress: The Senate and House of Representatives. The Judicial, the court system.

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Three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.