Some political systems are Capitalism, Totaltarism, and Communism but there are many more.
Comparative economic systems is the subfield of economics dealing with the comparative study of different systems of economic organization, such as capitalism, socialism, feudalism and the mixed economy.A historian who compares the expansion of political system to the expansion of economic system is organizing history by theme.
The political spectrum is classifying different political positions on a geometric aspect. The position on political spectrum of conversations is that the political spectrum offers different ideologies on political stands.
Politicians had different views on many different subjects, so they formed specific political parties that shared their view.
Exlusive power to determine political, economic, and social systems
Without a political system nation's would not be very orginized and everything would be upside down.
There are two religio-political systems: Organic and church.
Open your government book to get the answer. This is clearly homework or a test.
the two-party system
There are more than 2 but they includeDemocraticAuthoritarianAnarchyHope this helps!!!!
there is no such thing as political economic systems, there are only economic political systems
democracy was invented in Athens, Greece
African Political Systems was created in 1940.
There are two political systems that come to mind. The first is feudalism and the second is communism.
Capitalism!!!! Nothing else works...
the Empire was virtually a Dictatorship and the republic was a democracy