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Q: What are two types of autocracy?
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What are three types of autocracies?

There is no other type of autocracy.

What are the types of citizen?

The three types of citizen participation is oligarchy, autocracy, and democracy. ur welcome

What are the past types of governments Germany has had?

Monarchy, democracy, totalitarian autocracy

Does nationalism call for autocracy?

Nationalism does not necessarily call for autocracy, but the two ideals do go hand in hand. This is because nationalism supports the culture and unity of a nation of peoples, and autocracy is unconditional loyalty to the leaders of a nation.

Which two governments share the characteristic of being ruled by a single leader?

Absolute monarchy and dictatorship are types of government with a single leader.

From which country did the world get most of the terms for the types of government recognize today including oligarchy and autocracy?


Which country did the world get most of the terms for the types of government recognized today including oligarchy and autocracy?


What is a synonym for autocracy?

Autocracy can also be called despotism.

What are the types of autocracy?

Autocracy is any form of government in which one person is the supreme power within the state. There are no other types of autocracy, since the Greek term αὐτοκρατής means "one who rules by himself". A single ruler can be called a monarch, king, emperor, sovereign, autocrat, dictator, despot, tyrant or strongman for example. Oligarchy means "rule by the few" and democracy means "rule by the people".

Absolute monarchy is most similar to which other system of government?

Absolute monarchy is most similar to which other system of government

What is a rule by a single individual?

That is the definition of autocracy.

What are the major types of government?

The major types of a government is a direct democracy, representative democracy, constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, and a dictatorship.