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The Chief Justice of the United States heads The United States Supreme Court as the top presiding Judge. The Chief Justice's title is The Chief Justice of the United States.

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Q: What body does the Chief Justice of the United States head as the top presiding Judge?
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Who is the presiding officer of the judicial branch?

The Supreme Court of the United States, as an institution, is head of the Judicial Branch of the Federal government. The Chief Justice of the United States (sometimes called Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court) is the head of the Judicial Branch. John G. Roberts, Jr. has been Chief Justice since 2005.

What role does the supreme court play in impeachment trials?

The Supreme Court plays no role in impeachment trials. However, in the impeachment trial of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the United States serves as presiding officer of the Senate since it would be a conflict of interest to have the vice president presiding over a trial at which he would become President if the current President were to be found guilty.

Who was the first female Chief Justice of the United States?

The United States has not yet had a female Chief Justice. All 17 Chief Justices have been white males.

Which man served as chief justice of the United states supreme court?

which man served as chief justice of the united states supreme court

Who is the current Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court?

Chief Justice of the United States is John Glover Roberts, Jr.Former President George W. Bush nominated Roberts as Chief Justice of the United States, to succeed the late Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who died in office in 2005.Important Note 1:Although most people think this office is Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the official title is Chief Justice of the United States (28 USC § 1). The sixth Chief Justice, Salmon Chase, suggested the title change to emphasize the Supreme Court's role as a coequal branch of government.Note 2:Unlike other positions with "term limits", the Chief Justice of the United States is considered a lifelong position. The Chief Justice may serve until he or she retires or dies, or otherwise vacates the appointment.John Glover Roberts, Jr. (born January 27, 1955) is the 17th and current Chief Justice of the United States.

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Who is is Chief Justice of the supreme court?

The presiding Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court as of 2012 is John G. Roberts, Jr.

Who is the chief justice are on the supreme court?

The presiding Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court as of 2012 is John G. Roberts, Jr.

Who are inpeachments tried by?

Presidential impeachments are tried by the U.S. Senate with the Chief Justice of the United States presiding.

What is the title for the head of head of the department of justice?

In the United States, the title of the head of justice is Chief Justice of the United States. The Chief Justice is the head of the United States federal court system.

What is the head of justice?

In the United States, the title of the head of justice is Chief Justice of the United States. The Chief Justice is the head of the United States federal court system.

Who is the presiding officer of the Unites States States Supreme Court?

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Who is the judge in a United States Presidential impeachment proceeding?

The president would be tried by the senate, and the chief justice of the supreme court would be the judge.

Who is the presiding officer of the judicial branch?

The Supreme Court of the United States, as an institution, is head of the Judicial Branch of the Federal government. The Chief Justice of the United States (sometimes called Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court) is the head of the Judicial Branch. John G. Roberts, Jr. has been Chief Justice since 2005.

What role does the supreme court play in impeachment trials?

The Supreme Court plays no role in impeachment trials. However, in the impeachment trial of the President of the United States, the Chief Justice of the United States serves as presiding officer of the Senate since it would be a conflict of interest to have the vice president presiding over a trial at which he would become President if the current President were to be found guilty.

Who was the chief justice in 1819?

The Chief Justice of the United States in 1819 was John Marshall.

Who was the first female Chief Justice of the United States?

The United States has not yet had a female Chief Justice. All 17 Chief Justices have been white males.

The first chief justice of the United States was who?

John Jay (December 12, 1745 - May 17, 1829) was the first Chief Justice of the United States.