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It takes both the Legislative and Executive branch of Government to decide this.

Both the President and Congress have to agree to this. Once passed, the executive branch has the power to enforce it.

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That depends on which country you are referring to.

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Q: What branch of government has the power to set import tariffs against China?
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What are the four main trade barriers?

Some governments place taxes called tariffs on imported goods to make those items more expensive. Another barrier to trade is a quota, which is a limit on the number of specific products that can be imported from a particular country.

Why were southerners opposed to tariffs?

Almost all tariffs, from the beginning of American government to the Gilded Age and even beyond, were opposed by the South. Tariffs helped Northern manufacturing but increased the prices of manufactured goods for Southern farmers.

Is government import standards a trade barrier?

yes it is a non tariff barrier of trade.

What is a Tax on an import called?

Tariffwrong sir, the question is what is the name of it and that is boycottby rod^uhm, you rod, are wrong. the answer is tariff.

How did the government incur millions of dollars in debt?

There are 3 types of debt a government can occur (Export Debt), (Import Debt) and (Social Debt). Export Debt (money owed to the government from Another Country that isn't paying) Import Debt (money owed to another country by the government) Social Debt: This is what I am assuming you are referring (the deficit). The deficit is money borrowed on "future" income from collectible taxes and fees from the governments citizens. They borrow against it (like a credit card). Its money owed to themselves. Its not a true debt in the conventional sense. However if left upaid then the government can't honour future benefits to its citizens and the country would collapse (like Greece and Spain).

Related questions

Which branch of government has the power to set import tariffs against China?

Legislative branch

What are the four types of revenue raised by congress to run the us government?

Import tariffs.

What are ways the government can reduce its imports?

One way is by imposing tariffs

Why was the south against the tariff?

The South was against high tariffs because the tariffs forced them to buy high-priced goods from the North instead of getting cheap imports from other countries.

Import duties from china to Mexico?

It depends on each product, but import tariffs range on the 15-1000%

What side opposed tariffs north or south?

the south opposed tariffs because they had to import all of their stuff from foreign countries

What is a tariff desinged to do?

A tariff is a tax or duty on a particular item or good. In general terms, tariffs exist due to various reasons. Some tariffs are placed simply to earn money for the government. Businesses wishing to import or export goods have to pay the tariffs or else risk legal problems with that government. Other tariffs exist as a form of protectionism, which ensures that domestic industries generate profitable amounts, in terms of importing goods. Tariffs also exist with the goal of protecting consumers. A government may levy a tariff on products that it feels could endanger its population.

What would high tariffs cause problems for?

Imports because tariffs are an import tax and taxes make doing business more expensive and people who import a lot such as Europe USA... would feel the burden

When were tariffs created?

Tariffs which are taxes on imported good were started here in the United States back when we were still trying to win ourIndependence from the British Now the British use tariffs for as long as they had trading routes with local countries.

Are subsidies an example of a trade restriction?

Yes, as are tariffs and limiting the import of certain goods.

What is the effect of an import tariffs charged on a particular good?

The price paid by consumers is increased.

Congress encouraged business expansion in the U.S. through which of these types of revenue?

Import tariffs