In 1858, it was evident that Lincoln opposed slavery. He said as much in his debates against Stephen Douglas, who was his opponent in the presidential race.
Yes - because it declared slavery to be legal in every state of the Union. That was the essence of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858.
For the most part, the five Lincoln-Douglas debates in 1858 centered around the issue of slavery. Lincoln, who although was well known in Illinois, gained national attention as Douglas was a famous politician with a national reputation. Newspaper coverage was extensive.
he gained growing respect and a political following that would help him later novanet.
Political Debates Between Lincoln and Douglas.
Ottawa, Illinois
Abraham Lincoln wanted to run for the Senate so that he could make laws to stop slavery in America.
Stephen Douglas
The Lincoln and Douglas debates in 1858, were extensively covered by newspapers in both the North and the South. Northerners followed the debates and by doing so, brought to national attention the views of Abraham Lincoln. Abolitionists in the North were impressed with Abraham Lincoln's views on slavery.
Abraham Lincoln.
In 1858, in time for the Senatorial elections in Illinois.
That's what the debates were about - was slavery protected by the Constitution? If so, how could the new states vote to be free soil?