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The British were taxing everything much too high. Not sure about trade.

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Q: What complaints does the continental congress have about taxes and trade?
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What voted to boycott british trade?

Continental Congress

Who voted boycott British trade?

Continental Congress

Which continental congress voted not to trade with England?


What was the outcome of the continental congress?

The outcome of the First Continental Congress was a declaration that would state the rights of the colonists and halt the trade with Britain.

What was the outcome of the first continental congress?

The outcome of the First Continental Congress was a declaration that would state the rights of the colonists and halt the trade with Britain.

Why was it hard to get money during the revolutionary war?

Taxes are never popular and taxation was one of the complaints against the British that led to the revolution. Consequently the new revolutionary government found it very hard to levy and collect taxes. The Continental Congress had to rely on the individual states to collect revenue and pass it along to the central government. The war disrupted the economy and trade with Europe, so money was hard for individuals to come by.

What was resolved at the first Continental Congress in 1774?

- The first Continental Congress in 1774 resolved to organize an economic boycott of British trade. -Realization that drastic changes must be made in their relationship with England.

Act that caused the suspension of all trade with England?

It was not an act, it was at the meeting for the First Continental Congress.

As an economic sanction against Britain the First Continental Congress voted to?

end all trade with Britain

What meeting convened on September 9 1774 that suspended all trade with England?

The first continental congress

What meeting convened on September 6 1774 and passed the Suffolk Resolves Which denounced British Policy and called for the suspension of all trade?

The meeting on September 6, 1774, where the Suffolk Resolves were proposed to strike the British economy was the FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS.

What are the powers congress have regarding taxes and trade?

The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general wellfare of the united states.