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Q: What concept of democracy is best illustrated by the following statement the president listens to the members of other parties before making decisions?
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In direct democracy decisions are made by?

the president

Is the us a democracy with a government and laws based on the constitution or is the us a democracy with a government and laws made by the president?

neither. The US is NOT a Democracy, but a representative Republic. In a Democracy the minority is not protected from the majority. This is often illustrated with the metaphor that a democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. The laws in the US are created by the congress, approved by the President, and validated to be constitutional by the Supreme Court in a delicate system of checks and balances.

Which president of US was opposed to direct democracy and why?

Every US President has opposed direct democracy because it would allow the unwashed masses to directly control policy as opposed to restricting policy votes and decisions to those people educated enough to make them. Additionally, in a direct democracy, it is likely the President would be out of a job.As it currently stands, the US government is an indirect democracy, where citizens vote for politicians who will themselves vote on policy. A direct democracy circumvents the politicians' vote.

Is India was following parliamentary democracy or kingship?

India is following parliamentary democracy since independence. With President at the helm, there is council of ministers headed by the Prime Minister to govern the country. Since India's parliamentary democracy is time tested, people aspire to involve them in elections as a festival.

Is the president of Ireland a monarchy a socialism or a democracy?

Ireland is a republic, as it has a president and it is a democracy as the leaders of Ireland, including the president, are elected.

Why is power shared in democracy?

First of all they dont know how to have ****ing beep relationships ,so it is us the democracy does this job so people power

Is Austria a democracy?

Yes, Austria is a democracy because they have a president.

What does Presindental democracy mean?

A Presidential democracy means a system of government where the president is the head of government. The president will be elected by the people.

Is colombia a democracy or a dictatorship?

Yes, It is a parlementary democracy headed by a president and prime minister.

How do you use presidential democracy in a sentence?

considering that a presidential democracy is when the power is held by an elected president you can use it like.... the citizens voted for the president because their government was a presidential democracy.

What is the ruler of a democracy called?


Difference between ancient Egypt and modern Egypt.?

ancient Egypt was ruled by a pharoah and had no democracy in modern Egypt they are ruled by a president and they have democracy or at least a little of democracy