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Probably..the whole country is going to suffer.

because checks and balance system is kind of holding our government

and if that doesnt exist.

everything is going to fall down. hmm. i dont exactly know how to explain it

but like this system that is holding the government is going to crush

and the whole country is going to suffer from it.

source:common sense..i guses? xD

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Q: What could happen with out checks and balances in government?
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What is the reason for Checks and Balances?

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checks and balancesIt is a system of checks and balances.

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So that no portion of government could become to powerful and overthrow other portions of the government and to guard against any one branch becoming too powerful, the Constitution provides a system of checks and balances.

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Only the government of the Roman Republic (509-27 B.C.) had checks and balances. The government of the monarchy (753-509 B.C.) and of rule by emperors (27 B.C.-476 B.C.) did not. During the Roma republic officer of state of the same rank could veto each other and higher officers could veto the lower officers. This was to avoid abuse of power.

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The Founding Fathers wanted to establish a system of checks and balances. They created the three branches so that a single branch could not take over the government.

Why was the checks and balances important to the Roman government?

Only the government of the Roman Republic (509-27 B.C.) had checks and balances. The government of the monarchy (753-509 B.C.) and of rule by emperors (27 B.C.-476 B.C.) did not. During the Roma republic officer of state of the same rank could veto each other and higher officers could veto the lower officers. This was to avoid abuse of power.

If the framers had not provided for a system of checks and balances?

A Actually, it is true that the framers made the system of checks and balane as to make sure no branch of govenment succeded the other branches. Then with no one to look after one central ruler, it will turn out to be just like the British Empire that the U.S. tried to get away from.

How do you use checks and balances in a sentence?

The United States government uses a system of checks and balances to ensure that no single branch or person has more control. The government uses checks and balances to separate other branches. Our government maintains order through a system of checks and balances.