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The earliest possible date is November 2 and the latest possible date is November 8

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Q: What day in November are presidential elections held?
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When are presidents elected every four years on what day?

US presidents are elected in years that are multiples of four. Presidential elections have been held every four years since 1788. Election day is the first Tuesday in November unless the first of November is a Tuesday, in which case the election is held the following Tuesday , that is on November 8.

When is the presidential election always held one what day and every how many years?

It is every 4 years. It is always the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November. It is November 6 this year.

What day was the 2012 vice presidential debate held?

The 2008 Vice Presidental debate was held in Washington University in St. Louis, MO.

Why is the presidential election always held on Tuesday?

When election day was selected by Congress in 1845 the country was mainly an agricultural society. November was chosen because the fall harvest was over and it was still mild enough for farmers and rural workers to be able to travel to the polls over unimproved roads. Tuesday was chosen because most of the country had to travel a great distance to the polls in their counties. Monday was not reasonable because that would mean that people would have to start travel on Sunday and that would interfere with church services. The second Tuesday was chosen for two reasons, one, to keep election day from falling on all saints day and secondly, merchants were accustomed to doing their books on the first of the month.

What is another term for election day?

Election Day  -noun1.(in the U.S.) the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November on which national elections are held for electors of the President and Vice President in those years evenly divisible by four. On even years constituents elect members of the House of Representatives for two-year terms and one third of the Senate for six-year terms.2.( often lowercase ) any day designated for the election of public officials.

Related questions

What day must presidential elections be held on held on?

Presidential elections, along with other popular ballots including state and local representatives, are held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. It can fall on or between November 2nd through November 8th.

Election day is held in?

The Presidential elections are held every four years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November. The next Presidential election will occur on November 6, 2012.

In the US presidential election are held every?

U.S. presidential elections are held every 4 years. Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November.

U.S Presidential and Congressional are always on what day of the week?

U.S. Presidential elections are always on the first Tuesday of November, and Congressional elections are also typically held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

When is election day for national elections?

In the United States, federal Election day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The next federal election will be November 8, 2016. Presidential elections are held in years divisible by 4. Congressional elections are held in years divisible by 2.

When are federal elections held?

Election Day is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November, so that date will be between November 2nd and November 8th. Congressional elections are held every two years (the term of election for the House) and Presidential elections every four years.

On what day are the presidential elections held for the US?

As established by Article II of the U.S. Constitution, Election Day is the Tuesday following the first Monday in November. This year that will be November 4, 2008.

In what month do we vote?

National elections for president and Congress in the US are held in November. Primaries are held earlier. May is a popular month for state and local elections but the dates vary .

What day barack obama become president?

Presidential elections are generally held on a Tuesday in November. Mr. Obama was elected on November 4, 2008, and then re-elected on November 6, 2012.

How are presidential elections and Veterans Day related?

US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.US Presidential elections and Veterans' Day both happen in the month of November. Both have fixed times on which they happen, the election on the first Tuesday after the 1st of November and Veteran's Day always on the 11th of November.

In most states elections for state officers are usually held?

General elections are generally held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. So, the Tuesday between November 2 and November 8th. Special elections and primary elections can be held at any time, but are typically on Tuesdays.

What date is the presidental election held?

The presidential election in the United States is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, which in 2024 will be on November 5th.