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Intro to criminal justice textbook states 1970's

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Q: What decade is considered the heyday of scientific police management?
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What did the know-nothings organized to form what?

They formed the Order of the Star Spangled Banner to organize resistance against the immigration of Roman Catholics (and more specifically, the immigration of Irish Catholics) into the USA. Although the movement had its heyday in the middle of the 19th century, it had a long-lasting influence on voter sensibilities: in 1960 John F. Kennedy's major electoral drawback in his bid for the Presidency was the fact that he came from an Irish Catholic background.

How was Athens government like?

Many people like to see Athens as the 'birthplace of democracy'. In reality, even during its heyday the ruling classes and families of Athens carefully saw to it that all jobs and functions that carried any real power were reserved only for their family members. The mass-meetings that were held to decide on issues were always carefully orchestrated and on the very occasional instances that things did not go their way it remained up to them to decide in what way decisions would be implemented.So school will probably expect you to answer 'democratic', but in reality Athens always was an olichargy dominated by its upper-class families and clans.

Taking in Washington D.C.?

Washington D.C. is a beautiful city full of history, culture, and entertainment. Whether visitors are heading to the area for a few days or a few weeks, they will find a broad array of options awaiting them. Both adults and children should be able to find fascinating things to see and do. The city is steeped in a history almost as old as the country itself. Most visitors should at the very least take a casual stroll on the National Mall and experience the memorials and monuments dedicated to the nation's great figures. The Washington Monument towers above everything else in the area, and offers the tourists the chance to ascend it for a panoramic view of the city. Beyond the reflecting pool on the other end of the Mall is the Lincoln Memorial, which is a grand homage to America's sixteenth president. In adjoining areas are other memorials, including several dedicated to the men and women who fought in various wars. Beyond the memorials are the other staples of the city. The White House and Capitol are popular destinations, though these often require special passes or advanced bookings to tour the inside areas. The National Archives is another good option, and offers individuals the chance to view the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, both of which are considered sacred documents. Ford's Theatre is a historical playhouse where Lincoln was assassinated. Visitors can view the theater box where this took place. The Smithsonian, also near the Mall, is the cultural hearthstone of the United States and contains some of its most significant and unique artifacts. The Air and Space Museum is particularly loved by children, who are charmed by the opportunity to see planes and spacecraft from the heyday of aviation. The National Gallery of Art and the Natural History Museum (which contains the famous Hope Diamond) are also excellent options. For those that want a taste of the true hub of the city, a quick visit to Union Station can be planned. It is the center of the city's transportation system, and grand in both scale and style. Most people riding the METRO will likely pass through it. A trip to Washington D.C. offers a glimpse into the soul of America. Tourists will experience exquisite restaurants, great museums, and a cityscape that will delight everyone, whether they are visiting for the first or the hundredth time.

How did mercantilism contribute to the American revolution?

Mercantilism is a theory in political economy which argues that a nation should strive to attain a favorable balance of trade so that the country will accumulate gold and silver. This, it was argued, made the country wealthier and safer. The principal reason for this belief was the perceived need of the government to have precious metals to fund wars. The heyday of mercantilism was the middle of the 18th Century, after Great Britain had created Bank of England as an instrument for war funding. Under English banking law (and American law by inheritance), banks are allowed to employ "fractional reserve" -- an embezzlement procedure by which banks legally kite checking deposits and, by that practice, create money from thin air. In those days, checks were uncommon, but Bank of England duplicated the procedure by issuing bank notes -- currency similar to a federal reserve note -- and getting Parliament to declare it legal tender. Today, such notes are issued without gold backing, but a private bank could not stay in business in 1750 on that business model. It needed gold reserves to "back" at least a portion of its notes. With gold coming in on a favorable balance of trade, the bank had an increasing supply of actual reserve, allowing it to issue evermore notes. By this, the government bank could stimulate the economy and appear to increase prosperity by creating a banking boom. The problem with the theory was that it inevitably relied on Britain's trading partners having an unfavorable balance of trade -- the outlying regions (including the colonies) were expected to arrest their own economic growth for the benefit of the mother country. Initially, American colonials accepted the idea that Parliament had the power to regulate "interstate" commerce (trade amongst the empire's members). But, eventually, at least some Americans (Thomas Jefferson among them) came to realize that they were being played for suckers. This induced them to question Parliament's power, the abuse of which was added to American grievances. Jefferson in particular wrote of the inequity of requiring American producers to, e.g., catch the beaver, then send the pelt to England so that an English firm could turn it into a hat. Why, Jefferson wanted to know, could there not be an American hat company in America which would not have to incur the expense of double shipping? Of course, once Americans started thinking in terms of local control of what was essentially a local economy, there was one less reason for maintaining the closest of ties with England. The general perception that Parliament, if allowed to legislate universally, always would vote to shift costs outside of England while voting to bring all the benefits there was fatal to maintaining the old political ties. Although most Americans still believed that Parliament had the power to legislate over trade, when those abuses were added to the far more inflammatory issue of local taxation, it only aroused colonial outrage over the tax issue all the more. Here was Parliament using its power over trade to impose costs on colonials so it could vote benefits to England, and now it wanted to use systems of direct taxation to accomplish the same end to an even greater degree. This convinced Americans that continuing to support the Crown eventually would strip them of everything they owned and had worked for. At that point, it was time to form a new country.

What is a blue dog Democrat?

from "Capitol Questions" website: In the 106th Congress, the Blue Dogs are 30 fiscally conservative House Democrats who tend to vote together as a coalition on budgetary and economic issues. Their stated goal is to bring their own party back to the center of the ideological spectrum, and to forge good working relationships with moderate Republicans to help move that party more toward a centrist agenda. They have been most influential since their creation in the 104th Congress because of the leverage they exert as a unified voting bloc. The Republican leadership, with 223 Members on its side of the aisle, has only 5 votes to spare to meet the minimum 218 required to pass legislation [when all Members are present.] If more than 5 Republican Members stray from the fold on any given vote, the leadership often turns to the Blue Dogs on the Democratic side of the aisle to gain their bloc vote in exchange for negotiated changes in legislative language. The Blue Dogs derive their name from the artwork of a Cajun painter, well known in Louisiana for his series of paintings featuring an unusual blue dog. The fledgling members of what became the Blue Dog Coalition used to meet regularly in the offices of then-Democrats Rep. Billy Tauzin and Rep. Jimmy Hayes of Louisiana. Tauzin has since switched to the Republican party and Hayes was defeated in a run for the Senate. The Louisiana representatives had blue dog paintings displayed on the walls of their offices, and these provided the inspiration for the coalition's name. One of the Blue Dogs, Rep. John Tanner from Tennessee, maintains that Blue Dogs are simply "yellow dogs that have been choked by extremes in both political parties to the point they have turned blue." Blue Dog Democrats are an actual voting coalition made up of Members of Congress, whereas Yellow Dog Democrat is an expression -- it describes a certain kind of voter. Nor are Blue Dogs ideological relatives of the "Yellow Dogs" of the South, even though they have similar names. When the South as a region was a political stronghold for Democrats in the first half of the 20th century, it was said that a Southern voter would vote for a mangy yellow dog before he/she would vote for a Republican. So a "Yellow Dog Democrat" implies one fiercely loyal to the Democratic party, with a strong partisan profile. The expression achieved prominence in the 1928 presidential campaign when southern Democrats, reluctant to support their national party's nominee, Al Smith, voted for him anyway, out of loyalty to the party ticket. When the term is used today, it is meant as a compliment to one who remains a true Democrat, no matter what. The Blue Dogs, on the other hand, are less fiercely partisan, and they do not all hail from the South. They seek to build ideological bridges to the Republican side of the aisle, are known for their independence from the leadership of their own party, and tend to be more pragmatic than partisan. Blue Dogs are closer in purpose to a former coalition of southern Members of the House known as the "Boll Weevils," whose heyday was in the early 1980's. These Members defected as a group from the Democratic party to vote with Congressional Republicans on budgetary and tax bills. However, all Southerners, they were named after the insect that infected and often destroyed cotton crops, so the name "Boll Weevil" had a pejorative implication.

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What year is considered the heyday of scientific police management?

The heyday of scientific police management is generally considered to be the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with advancements in forensic science, criminal investigations, and the professionalization of police forces. This period saw the establishment of key methodologies and practices that form the foundation of modern police work.

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