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  • Wallace wanted to end desegregation efforts and unite southerners under a new party.
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Q: What did George Wallace hope to accomplish when he ran as a third party candidate in the 1968 presidential election?
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What political party did Strom Thurmond represent in the 1948 presidential election?

Harry Truman won the 1948 presidential election defeating Thomas Dewey. In the 1948 presidential election Democratic Party candidate Harry Truman received 303 electoral votes, Republican Party candidate Thomas Dewey received 189 electoral votes, and Dixiecrat Party candidate Strom Thurmond received 39 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Truman 24,179,345, Dewey 21,991,291, and Thurmond 1,169,021. Progressive Party candidate Henry A. Wallace received 1,157,172 popular votes for President, but no electoral votes.

What year did Wallace run for president?

Wallace ran for President in the 1968 election

What presidential candidate was nominated by self-announcement?

As of 2013, there are several presidents that used the self-announcement method. One of them is our current president Barack Obama, he was the recent presidential candidate that used the self-announcement on April 5, 2011.

Who assassinated Arthur H Bremer?

Arthur Herman Bremer (born August 21, 1950 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin) was not assassinated, though he was convicted of an attempted assassination of US Democratic Presidential candidate George Wallace on May 15, 1972.

What statement describes the election of 1964?

The 1964 presidential election was won by one Lyndon B. Johnson, who had taken over in the presidency when Kennedy was assassinated. Barry Goldwater was the other major candidate. He carried six states, and lost by quite a wide margin.

Related questions

Which independent candidate was an important factor in the 1968 presidential election?

George Wallace

Who was the independent or third party candidate for the 1960 presidential election?

the third party candidate for the 1960 election was Governor George Corley Wallace of Alabama

Which men was not a presidential candidate in the 1968 election?

Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, and George Wallace were the presidential candidates in 1968. Republican candidate Richard Nixon won the election.

Who ran as a thirird party candidate in the 1968 presidential election?

George Wallace ran as a third party candidate. He received 46 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Nixon 31,785,480, Humphrey 31,275,166, and George Wallace 9,906,473.

Who was a four time presidential candidate?

George Wallace

Who was a Southern candidate in the 1984 election?

Henry Wallace

Who was Roosevelt vice president candidate in 1940?

President Roosevelt's running mate in the U. S. Presidential Election of 1940 was Agriculture Secretary Henry A. Wallace.

Why ran as a third-party candidate in the 1968 presidential election?

Richard Nixon won the 1968 presidential election defeating Hubert Humphrey. In the 1968 presidential election Richard Nixon received 301 electoral votes, Hubert Humphrey received 191 electoral votes and George Wallace received 46 electoral votes. The popular vote totals were Nixon 31,785,480, Humphrey 31,275,166, and George Wallace 9,906,473.

Who ran as a thirded candidate in the 1968 election?

Gorge wallace

Who ran as a third party candidate in the election?

Gorge wallace

Who ran as a third-party candidate in 1968 presidential election?

George Wallace from Alabama was the one. He carried five southern states for a total of 46 electoral votes.

Who ran for President in l959?

In 1959, no one ran for President as it was an off-year for presidential elections in the United States. The next presidential election was held in 1960, when Richard Nixon ran as the Republican candidate and John F. Kennedy ran as the Democratic candidate.