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Q: What did George Washington whiten his teeth with?
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Did the president George Washington buy teeth from slaves?

I don't think so. His famous false teeth were made of animal's teeth and bones.

What disability did George Washington have?

He had false teeth that were made of wood. The myth or legend is that Washington had wooden teeth, Actually he only had IVORY teeth. Wooden teeth would not have worked in the mouth. The saliva and acid in the mouth would have easily rotted them and they would have splintered. As far as disabilities, he did have some emotional problems with losing his temper and fits of depression which may have been a signal of an emotional disbaility. However, if he did, he overcame any major effects of it.

What kind of teeth did George Washington have?

George Washington, the first US President, did not have wooden teeth, although he had lost all but one of his own teeth by the age of 57 when he became President. Washington had several pairs of dentures, none wooden. The pair he wore when he was inaugurated were made from carved hippopotamus ivory and gold. They were made by Dr. John Greenwood, known as the "Father of Modern Dentistry". The Smithsonian was donated a set of Washington's upper dentures in 1976, but they were stolen. Three sets of lower dentures are in various museums, including the Smithsonian's Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry, the New York Academy of Medicine, and the Mt. Vernon Visitors Center. George Washington's teeth were not made of wood - they were made of ivory, various metals, and actual human teeth. He got various pairs, the first in 1789, the next in 1791, the next in 1796, one in 1797, and his last in 1798.

Who delivered the messages from Governor Dinwiddie to the French?

George Washington George Washington GEORGE WASHINGTON

Who was the fisrt US president?

All US Presidents are Americans. George Washington was the first.