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They used sticks and rocks. They use the rocks to chip things off. They use rocks also for a spare .

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11y ago
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15y ago

of course, computers, stoves, JOKE!

of course they make their instruments from stones! what else!

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9y ago

Cavemen used a variety of things as weapons. They would use sticks, stones and spears. Cavemen lived during the Paleolithic Era or Stone Age.

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12y ago

Stone and rocks

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Q: What did cavemen use as weapons?
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Cavemen made stone weapons such as crude spears which were probably a sharpened stone tied on a long stick.

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mostly they used it for : weapons, cutlary and to use to catch fish. homework topic hope you find useful :)

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It's generally believed that early humans, including cavemen, did not have access to metal tools or weapons. They primarily relied on natural materials such as stone, bone, and wood for their tools and weapons. The use of metal tools and weapons emerged later in human history during the Bronze Age.

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I'm learning about cavemen in class and the video we saw said that they used clay to make tools/weapons. i also saw that cavemen made sculptures but ni dont know if thats true cause the website i saw didnt seem like it was a good source to look for stuff like that

What weapons and tools did Paleolithic people use?

Cavemen used a variety of things as weapons. They would use sticks, stones and spears. Cavemen lived during the Paleolithic Era or Stone Age.

What weapons did the cavemen have?

they had bows and arrows, stone knifes, spears, harpoon head, clubs, and hand axes.