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Q: What did elizabeth cady Stanton do to help end slavery?
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What movemnt did Susan B Anthony help to lead?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Who influenced Susan B. Anthony?

mostly her best friend: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Why did lucretia mott and elizabeth cady Stanton help organize the seneca falls convention?

They could not participate in an abolitionist meeting

Why did lucrtia mott and elizabeth cady Stanton help organize the seneca falls convention?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the first woman's rights convention in order to get a group of women talking about how change could be enacted, and to make a plan for how they could advance women's rights in America by working together.

What did Cady Stanton do to help end slavery?

She was a activist for women's rights. She worked for the right for women to vote and get divorce. During the civil war her work was to speak against slavery.

What women help start the woman rights movement?

Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Mary Lyon, Elizabeth Blackwell, Maria Mitchell, Mary Ann Shadd Cary Helen Keller, and Susette La Flesche.

How did Elizabeth Cady Stanton achieve her dream?

At thirty-three years of age, Elizabeth began to voice her opinion on women's rights. She later developed a group of men and women who formed the first Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Because of Elizabeth's deep determination and ability to never give up, the world would never be the same again for women. Elizabeth was voted the president of the Woman's Suffrage Organization in America. This organization changed the lives of women by reassuring their determination to make sure women had the right to vote. The Woman's Suffrage Organization also fought so that women could have the same equal opportunities, as well as educational and employment opportunities, that men had. Through this organization, Elizabeth Cady Stanton met Susan B. Anthony, another Woman's Rights Activist, and they became close friends and worked as a team, to change the world for women. In 1848, with the help of Stanton and Anthony, the Married Woman's Property Act of New York was passed. This act allowed women to be able to have custody of their children, hold property, make contracts, keep their own earnings and inheritance, and sue in court. Elizabeth Cady Stanton died in 1902, just 17 years before the Women's Suffrage Amendment was passed in 1919. But this Amendment would in no way have passed without the determination and courage of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Without Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women would not have the same equal rights as men, today.

Who worked with Susan b Anthony?

Susan B. Anthony worked with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucreita Mott and Lucy to help women get the right to vote. they established the American Equal Rights System and also Political weekly.

what were some things she did to help fight for woman?

Susan worked with several people to help her. Their names were William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass, who were friends of her father, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Together Susan and Elisebeth unitized a common goal in their unique personalities. For 2 years every week they published a women's newspaper called “The Revolution”.

Did Susan B. Anthony free slaves?

No. She was an abolitionist, which means she was against slavery, but the official decision to end slavery came from Abraham Lincoln. As president, Abraham Lincoln had the authority to mandate the end of slavery for all states.

What did Susan B Anthony do?

In 1866 Anthony joined with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Lucy Stone to help establish the American Equal Rights Association. The following year, the organisation became active in Kansas where Negro suffrage and women's suffrage was to be decided by popular vote. However, both ideas were rejected at the polls. In 1868 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton established the political weekly, The Revolution.In 1869 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed a new organization, the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA). The organization condemned the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments as blatant injustices to women. The NWSA also advocated easier divorce and an end to discrimination in employment and pay. Anthony toured the country making speeches on women's rights. In one year alone, she travelled 13,000 miles and made over 170 speeches. In 1872 Anthony attempted to vote in an election in Rochester. She was arrested, charged and later found guilty of violating voting rights.Susan B. Anthony...was for women's suffrage...the right of women to vote.

What did Susan B . Anthony do?

In 1866 Anthony joined with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Lucy Stone to help establish the American Equal Rights Association. The following year, the organisation became active in Kansas where Negro suffrage and women's suffrage was to be decided by popular vote. However, both ideas were rejected at the polls. In 1868 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton established the political weekly, The Revolution.In 1869 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton formed a new organization, the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA). The organization condemned the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments as blatant injustices to women. The NWSA also advocated easier divorce and an end to discrimination in employment and pay. Anthony toured the country making speeches on women's rights. In one year alone, she travelled 13,000 miles and made over 170 speeches. In 1872 Anthony attempted to vote in an election in Rochester. She was arrested, charged and later found guilty of violating voting rights.Susan B. Anthony...was for women's suffrage...the right of women to vote.