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Your mother.

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Q: What did the 1805 case involving Essex declare?
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The Governor of a state or the Present of the U.S. has the power to declare martial law in case of a state emergency. Either case is debatable in the U.S. Constitution and the state's Constitution.

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Who as the authority to declare war?

Congress, Parliament, in the case is a monarchy the king or queen. In the case of a despotism, the despot.

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(a case involving an employee who was injured on the job)

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There are many factors which would allow a person to file a case involving asbestos. One would be the presence of asbestos in the home or workplace of the individual.

Who hears a case involving two states first?

The United States district courts hears cases involving two states. The last court to hear the case would be the Supreme Court.

What did the defendant in the Oklahoma bombing case declare about the victimes right clarification?

that it was unconstitutional.

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Can a step mom that has been raising the kids for 5 years have a say so in court The father and I are not married yet we Live in Cali?

No. An you are not the step mother if you aren't married to their father. You would have no standing in any case involving the children.No. An you are not the step mother if you aren't married to their father. You would have no standing in any case involving the children.No. An you are not the step mother if you aren't married to their father. You would have no standing in any case involving the children.No. An you are not the step mother if you aren't married to their father. You would have no standing in any case involving the children.