Most, though not all, British uniforms were red and did not blend in very well with the woods that they were fighting in. This is where the name "redcoats" came from, which you may or may not have heard about. The uniforms stood out, thus making the British pretty much the opposite of camouflaged. Hope this helps! Let me know if you'd like more information!
~cddsuperstar hello cdd also the british wore different clothing for their rank so the generals and high commands were spotted easier
Some British units had uniforms of other colors. For example, the British Legion, a regiment of dragons, wore green uniforms with black lether helmets.
They wore red wool uniforms with black leather boots. In the colonies these uniforms didn't work very well. On hot humid days on the east coast they were very hot to wear. There was no air conditioning or fans and wearing wool suits buttoned up to the neck had to be awful. The red color also made them a good target.
united,union stuff like that where we stay united states
The French. they did this because they also did not like the British.
cause it pissed the british off that they werent getting their moneyWell, they didn't want to pay the British during the Revolutionary War because it be a waste. They used it for themselves and British didn't gain any money so they were in great debt, and they eventually lost like a slow debt.
Before the American Revolution the colonies were under therule of monarchy. Even thought the king lived in England, British were in charge and the troops enforced the laws.
like a revolutionary
Because of their red uniforms, loads of nicknames arose like Redcoats, Lobsterbacks, all kinds of things.
blue uniforms
British uniforms were red and had a white cross on the front.
because the british were controlling them and they did not like it
i dont feel like getting my binder
One major advantage they had was that they had more weapons like cannons.
they didnt care they where like ohh will win after a day or to of fighting they'll give up.
no kids like uniforms. they try to change during. and get in trouble. get them a waiverr!!
united,union stuff like that where we stay united states
Follow the link below for images of the uniforms-
I saw a bit of the movie, and the uniforms looked like World War 1. Also, C.S. Lewis served in the British Army during that war.
Since wearing them mean they served their country and got paid, they were fine with it.