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The Continental Congress asked each individual colony to prepare and adopt their own state constitutions.

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Q: What did the Continental Congress ask each colony to set up?
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Why did the continental congress ask each colony to prepare their own constitutions?


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NovaNet Answer: Washington was an experienced officer.

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NovaNet Answer: Washington was an experienced officer.

Why did the Second Continental Congress ask George Washington to lead the continental Army?

NovaNet Answer: Washington was an experienced officer.

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Was William D Pike a member of the Continental Congress?

I will ask him. he's my dad.

What did the petition sent by the first continental congress ask for?

th pentition was mad at the contrenentral congress.

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November 29

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To eat a taco

Who was actually the governing body of the thirteen colonies during the American Revolutionary War.?

Each colony had it's own assembly and sent representatives to Congress. Congress made the decisions needed to run the war. Washington would send reports to Congress and ask for funds to continue the war effort.

What did the Colonists ask England for during the First Continental Congress?

The colonists didn't ask England anything, they wanted to voice their opposition acts of the british government.