They brought food drink clothing clothes seeds people American Shorthair for mice to keep away,and,babies,children,axes,and anyother useful things
The Puritans were opposed to slavery and many Christians, Puritans, and Quakers protested the government because of slavery and helped make the underground railroad to free slaves. The Puritans were in America before slavery. England started the slave trade to America and France provided almost all of the slave transport on ships to America.
Since most of the Pilgrims actually were Puritans themselves, the answer is yes.
The puritans came to the New World to escape religiouse prosecution from the church of England. They intended to start a new branch of the church
The Puritans drank mostly beer and ale
the puritans lived in America , Massachusetts bay colony .
More than 1,000 Puritans came to Massachusetts, America in 1630.
It was Colonial America,the Puritans
It was Colonial America,the Puritans
In the year of 1630, the Puritans arrived in America. Their main purpose for going to America, was to reform the Church of England.
for freedom
The puritans
From religious persecution
It was Colonial America,the Puritans