It was the first Federal law that regulated Big Business
The federal government is the body that governs the whole country instead of just a state. The federal government is like a big umbrella over the whole country.
The advantage of a federal form of government is the fact that there is a governing body overseeing what goes on in the country. On the other hand, this means that the states are told what to do by a national power, which can also have negatives.?æ
You cannot force the U.S. government to leave in the U.S. government. But if the state has a big enough army, with force, it could overtake by force the the U.S. government.
The government did not approve of them because it effected the economy especially teddy Roosevelt he was known as the trust buster and he broke up bad trusts or monopolies.
Passed by the federal government to regulate big business (this is for castle learning i bet)
The American government, itself.
to help small business and regulate big business
Monopolies Nova-Net
Type your answer here... nope
It was the first Federal law that regulated Big Business
laws controlling monopoliesthe Clayton Antitrust Actthe Federal Trade Commission
Laws controlling monopoliesThe Clayton Antitrust ActThe Federal Trade Commission(OW)
It was a hands off policy where big business wanted no government interference in their dealings. This led to the monopolization of many industries. John Rockefeller benefitted from this deal.
Your business may very well qualify for free federal taxes. The government has free federal tax incentives in place to help big and small businesses grow. This stimulates the economy and is good for every one.
Laws controlling monopoliesThe Clayton Antitrust ActThe Federal Trade Commission(OW)
to help small business and regulate big business