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Love your country and want to get freedom

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Q: What did the philosophy of nationalism first liberalism second mean?
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Did nationalism and liberalism play a roll in destroying the romanov dynasty?

Not in the usual sense but Communism was clearly the Culprit. Soviet Russia was the first real Red Communist power- and power she was!

What has the author Howard H Schweber written?

Howard H. Schweber has written: 'Speech, conduct & the First Amendment' -- subject(s): Freedom of speech, United States 'Democracy and authenticity' -- subject(s): POLITICAL SCIENCE / History & Theory, Democracy, Philosophy, Authenticity (Philosophy), Liberalism

Is philosophy a first order discipline?

No, philosophy is considered a second-order discipline because it reflects on the nature and methods of first-order disciplines, such as science, mathematics, and ethics, rather than focusing on specific empirical observations or data.

Which should comes first the nation or nationalism?

Normally nationalism comes first, then the nation. Where the nation exists first, (e.g Belgium) any sense of nationalism is less strong.

Philosophy first order discipline and second order discipline?

A first-order discipline is one that deals directly with the subject matter at hand, like physics or psychology. A second-order discipline, on the other hand, reflects on the methods, assumptions, and concepts used in those first-order disciplines, such as philosophy of science or philosophy of mind. Second-order disciplines help to critically analyze and understand the foundations of first-order disciplines.

Who came first nation or nationalism?

That is a very good question. That question can be split into two other questions : "Can there be a nation without nationalism?" and "Can there be nationalism without a nation?" Looking at these two questions, I would say that nationalism comes first.

How did Latin American nationalism in the first half of the 20th century differ from German nationalism in the first half of the 20th century?

Latin American nationalism compared to German nationalism was like comparing night and day. Latin American nationalism was disorganized and didn't have a common goal or purpose, as opposed to the German nationalism. German nationalism was to promote German supremacy and world control.

What is thePhilosophy of Emilio aguinaldo?

Emilio Aguinaldo's philosophy was centered on the fight for Philippine independence and nationalism. He believed in the Filipino people's capability to govern themselves and advocated for unity and self-determination. Aguinaldo's actions during the Philippine Revolution and his efforts in establishing the First Philippine Republic reflect his philosophy of independence and sovereignty.

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What is the philosophy of Philippine education during the first republic?

During the First Philippine Republic, the philosophy of education focused on promoting nationalism, instilling love of country, and fostering a sense of independence and self-reliance among Filipinos. This period emphasized the importance of education in developing a sense of identity and pride in the Filipino culture and history. The goal was to create an educated citizenry capable of participating in nation-building and self-governance.

Who brought the first ideas of nationalism to Italy and Germany?


What is the earliest example of nationalism?

Probably the earliest example of a group of people defining themselves as unique and desirous of self-rule in their own homeland would be the Jewish Zealots in the Roman Period, nearly 2000 years ago. However, nationalism as a modern political philosophy arguing for a uniform national identity first came to the fore in Britain and was an artifact of the Articles of Union of 1707, which brought the Kingdoms of Scotland and England into a new United Kingdom. This kind of nationalism was replicated in the American and French Revolutions. If nationalism is restricted to the concept of ethnic self-sovereignty, as it first appeared in the 1800s, then the Modern Greeks were the first group to assert the right to rule themselves under ethnic self-sovereignty through the Greek War of Independence.