Ignorance, prejudice, hatred, a failure to work together for the common good. A failure to understand each other's religions and sometimes just plain old politics.
Lake Michigan divides Michigan in 2 sections.
The separation of powers divides power between the three branches of government with a system of checks and balances between them.
ural river
The prime meridian is a line of longitude. It divides the Earth into two hemispheres, known as the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
People of one nation who are citizens of another nation are called aliens.
The Yucatan Channel divides both Mexico and the island-nation of Cuba. It also separates the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea.
a nation can consist of several states because the nation divides the land into parts to make it easier to govern. compartmentalization. the few who run the nation cannot administer to everyone. a nation is a group of people or region of land. a state is a section of a nation
First the nucleus divides. Then the cytoplasm divides.
Federation. Or Confederation.
St Georges Channel separates Wales and Ireland. The English Channel separates England and France.
the cytoplasm divides after the nucleus
When a cell divides, the nucleus divides first in a process called mitosis, ensuring that each new cell receives a complete set of genetic information. After the nucleus divides, the rest of the cell, including the cytoplasm and organelles, divides in a process known as cytokinesis to form two separate daughter cells.
64 divides by 0.4 = 160
3.70 divides by 4 = 0.925
75.15 divides by 15.12 = 4.970238095238096