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In keeping with tradition, the US Supreme Court justices wear black robes over their street clothes.

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Q: What do the US Supreme Court justices wear while hearing a case?
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Are US Supreme Court Justices rich people?

Most of them are wealthy, not because of their salary on the Court, but because of outside activities, such as speaking engagements, book sales, investments, etc.NoteUS Supreme Court justices are prohibited from taking money for speaking engagements while in office; this is considered an ethics violation, and may be an impeachable offense. Justices can only be reimbursed for their expenses while still on the bench.

How is it decided which cases are heard by the Supreme Court?

The United States Supreme Court is the ultimate court of last resort. While the cases heard by lower level trial courts and appellate courts can be appealed to state supreme courts and federal appellate courts, no other court looks over the shoulder of the U.S. Supreme Court. The opinions issued by the nine justices on this court are final.

How many justices serve on the west Virginia supreme court of appeals?

There are three justices on the supreme court. The first likes to play parcheesee with his friend taco bell while they enjoy a pack of tostitoes fiesta craps together. The second likes when people put pieces of crap in his face. The third always laughs when people fart on his crableg spindle.

What checks do other branches of government have on the judicial branch have?

The Executive Branch could nominate judges in the Supreme Court, while the Legislative Branch had to appoint the judges, could kick them out of the Court, and could determine whether a law is unconstitutional.

How many liberal and conservative justices are on the US Supreme Court in 2010?

Five of the nine justices are typically considered conservative (Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito and Kennedy), while four are considered reliably liberal (Justices Stevens, Ginsburg, Breyer and Sotomayor). Justice Kennedy, although classified as a conservative, has voted with the liberal faction on some cases, making him the unpredictable swing vote that helps balance the Court.

Related questions

How many judges are there on the US Supreme Court and what are they called?

Federal (US) Supreme Court judges are called "justices." The Supreme Court of the United States has one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices, for a total of nine justices. State supreme court vary in the number of judges seated on their highest appellate court, and are also inconsistent with titles. Some states call them "judges," while others refer to them as "justices."

What influences supreme court decisions?

The justices of the US Supreme Court vote on each case that is brought before them. The decision of the court is whatever a majority of the justices agree on. Each justice has an equal say in the decision.

How many US Supreme Court justices were in office while Ulysses S. Grant was president?

There were nine Supreme Court Justices in 1869, when Ulysses S. Grant became the 18th US president. There have been a maximum of 9 Justices on the court ever since.

What is the difference between how federal judges are nominated vs how supreme court justices are nominated?

The process of nominating federal judges and Supreme Court justices is similar, but there are a few key differences. Federal judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, while Supreme Court justices go through the same process but with heightened scrutiny and public attention. Additionally, Supreme Court justices serve lifetime appointments, while federal judges may serve either lifetime or fixed terms depending on the specific court.

Are US Supreme Court Justices rich people?

Most of them are wealthy, not because of their salary on the Court, but because of outside activities, such as speaking engagements, book sales, investments, etc.NoteUS Supreme Court justices are prohibited from taking money for speaking engagements while in office; this is considered an ethics violation, and may be an impeachable offense. Justices can only be reimbursed for their expenses while still on the bench.

How many members are in each house and the supreme court?

The United States House of Representatives has 435 members, while the United States Senate has 100 members. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of nine justices.

What do you call a Judge in the Supreme Court?

In the Supreme Court of the United States, they're referred to as justices. The US Supreme Court has one Chief Justice, who is addressed by his full title (e.g., Chief Justice Roberts) and eight Associate Justices, who are addressed simply as "Justice" (e.g., Justice Stevens).Some state supreme courts use the title Justice, while others refer to the members as Judge.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

How is it decided which cases are heard by the Supreme Court?

The United States Supreme Court is the ultimate court of last resort. While the cases heard by lower level trial courts and appellate courts can be appealed to state supreme courts and federal appellate courts, no other court looks over the shoulder of the U.S. Supreme Court. The opinions issued by the nine justices on this court are final.

Is the president more powerful than the supreme court?

The powers of the president and the Supreme Court are separate and distinct, with each branch having its own specific authority and checks and balances. The president has executive powers, while the Supreme Court has the power of judicial review. In terms of overall power, it is difficult to compare the two as they serve different roles in the government.

How many justices serve on the west Virginia supreme court of appeals?

There are three justices on the supreme court. The first likes to play parcheesee with his friend taco bell while they enjoy a pack of tostitoes fiesta craps together. The second likes when people put pieces of crap in his face. The third always laughs when people fart on his crableg spindle.

How long can a supreme court judge rule?

Justices in the USSC are appointed for life. Supreme Court justices "shall hold their Offices during good Behavior" according to Article III, Section1 of the US Constitution. It's important to understand that while Justices may not be fired or removed from office, thay are subject to impeachment in the same manner and for the same causes that apply to the President of the United States in Article II.

Are US Supreme Court justices politicians?

While US Supreme Court justices are appointed by presidents and undergo a confirmation process, they are intended to be impartial and make decisions based on the Constitution and the law, rather than political considerations. However, it is recognized that justices can have ideological leanings and their decisions can be influenced by their personal beliefs and values to some extent.