

Best Answer

1. Girls rule

2. Girls are soo much better than boys.

3. A girl can do so much if you gave her the chance.

4. Boys play, girls win!

5. Remember, girls have some tricks up their sleeve...

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Q: What do the five government accounting office standards regard?
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What is the Financial Accounting Standards Board's ideal of neutrality?

accounting standards should be designed to provide the best possible information for economic decision making without regard to how that information may affect economic, political, or social behavior.

Which of the following statements is not true with regard to international accounting standards for research and development costs?

Some countries require research costs to be expensed and development costs to be capitalized

What are the Needs for accounting standards?

The term standard denotes a discipline, which provides both guidelines and yardsticks for evaluation. As guidelines, accounting standard provides uniform practices and common techniques of accounting. As a general rule, accounting standards are applicable to all corporate enterprises. They are made operative from a date specified in the standard. Accounting is the art of recording transactions in the best manner possible, so as to enable the reader to arrive at judgments/come to conclusions, and in this regard it is utmost necessary that there are set guidelines. These guidelines are generally called accounting policies. The intricacies of accounting policies permitted Companies to alter their accounting principles for their benefit. This made it impossible to make comparisons. In order to avoid the above and to have a harmonised accounting principle, Standards needed to be set by recognised accounting bodies. This paved the way for Accounting Standards to come into existence.

What is office insurance?

insurance with regard to office property

What are the procedure of issuing accounting standards in India?

PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING AN ACCOUNTING STANDARD FOR LOCAL BODIES (ASLB) Broadly, the following procedure is adopted for formulating Accounting Standards for Local Bodies: 1. Determine the broad areas in which Accounting Standards need to be formulated and the priority in regard to the selection thereof. 2. For the preparation of the Accounting Standards, the CASLB will be assisted by Study Groups constituted to consider specific subjects. In the formation of Study Groups, provision will be made for wide participation by various interest groups. 3. The draft of the proposed standard will normally include the following: a. Objective of the Standard, b. Scope of the Standard, c. Definition of the terms used in the Standard, d. Recognition and measurement principles, wherever applicable, e. Deviations, if any, from the corresponding International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS), as an Appendix to the Standard. 4. The CASLB will consider the preliminary draft prepared by the Study Group and if any revision of the draft is required on the basis of deliberations, the CASLB will make the same or refer the same to the Study Group. 5. The procedure for issuance of an Interpretation on any Accounting Standard for Local Bodies will be the same as that for issuance of an Accounting Standard since the authority of an Interpretation is the same as that of Accounting Standard for Local Bodies to which it relates. 6. The CASLB will circulate the draft of the Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies to the Council members of the ICAI and the following specified bodies for their comments: a. Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG)b. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India c. Controller General of Accounts d. Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of India e. National Institute of Urban Affairs f. Directorates of Local Bodies of the State Governments g. Directorates of Local Fund Audit Department of the State Government h. Major Local Bodies i. National Institute of Financial Management j. Securities and Exchange Board of India k. Any governmental Committee(s) or other similar body, e.g., the Technical Committee on Budget and Accounting Standards for ULBs constituted by the Ministry of Urban Development l. The All India Council of Mayors m. All India Institute of Local Self Government n. Donor of funds to Local Bodies such as US AID, World Bank, etc. o. The Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India p. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India q. All the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) r. Any other body considered relevant by the CASLB keeping in view of the nature of the Accounting Standard. 7. The CASLB will hold a meeting with the representatives of the selected specified bodies to ascertain their views on the draft of the proposed Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies. On the basis of comments received and discussion with the representatives of specified bodies, the CASLB will finalise the Exposure Draft of the proposed Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies. 8. The Exposure Draft of the proposed Standard/Interpretation will be issued for comments by the members of Institute and the public. The Exposure Draft will be sent to the specified bodies (as listed above), and other interest groups, as appropriate. 9. The Exposure Draft will be sent to any governmental Committee(s) or other similar body, e.g., the Technical Committee on Budget and Accounting Standards for ULBs constituted by the Ministry of Urban Development for sending comments on the Exposure Drafts of the proposed Standard/Interpretation.10. After taking into consideration the comments received, the draft of the proposed Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies will be finalised by the CASLB and submitted to the Council. 11. The Council of the ICAI will consider the final draft of the proposed Standard/Interpretation, and if found necessary, modify the same in consultation with the CASLB. The Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation on the relevant subject will then be issued by the ICAI. 12. The ICAI will send the Accounting Standards so formulated to the governmental Committee(s) or other similar body, e.g., the Technical Committee on Budget and Accounting Standards for ULBs constituted by the Ministry of Urban Development for recommending the same for implementation by the State Governments to achieve uniformity in preparation and presentation of financial statements by complying with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Local Bodies. 13. For a substantive revision of an Accounting Standard.Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies, the procedure followed for formulation of a new Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies, as detailed above, will be followed. 14. Subsequent to issuance of an Accounting Standards/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies, some aspect(s) may require revision which are not substantive in nature. For this purpose, the ICAI may make limited revision to an Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies. The procedure followed for the limited revision will substantially be the same as that to be followed for formulation of an Accounting Standard/Accounting Standards Interpretation for Local Bodies, ensuring that sufficient opportunity is given to various interest groups and general public to react to the proposal for limited revision.

What can you learn from the example of the wi-fi alliance with regard to the necessity of networking standards?


How did Greece contribute to government?

The primary contribution in this regard is democracy.

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Government Bonds

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Government Bonds

Which accounting principle requires that transaction should be recorded in the period they occurred?

There is no one accounting principle that requires that a transaction be recorded in the period it occurs (commonly referred to as accrual basis accounting). There is a conceptual statement that the Financial Accounting Standard Board has issued with regard to the use of accrual accounting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS NO. 6: ELEMENTS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS which states in paragraph 134: Items that qualify under the definitions of elements of financial statements and that meet criteria for recognition and measurement are accounted for and included in financial statements by the use of accrual accounting procedures. The basis of accounting, whether cash basis or accrual, should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements so that the financial statement reader is aware which method of accounting is in use. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) does require the accrual basis of accounting; nevertheless, businesses can present their financial statements on a cash basis as long as proper disclosures are made. The financial statement opinion rendered by the external audit firm would also disclose that the cash basis of accounting is being used.

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Hi, you need to visit Tata Indicom Public office in this regard.