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The act guarantees an ancient right - that no person can be detained without just cause.

To translate: The act guarantees that any person who is arrested may challenge that arrest and detention before a court where the state must prove that the person is accused of some crime and if the state fails to prove this, the person must be set free without delay.

This act was made void in part by the Patriot Act; the state need only claim that it is a matter of national security and the person maybe held without cause - and the Patriot Act provides a provision that the state need not prove the cause.

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Q: What does Habeas Corpus Act guarantee?
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The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 was passed by the English Parliament during King Charles II's reign.

What guarantee gives accused individuals the right to hearing before being jailed?

Habeas Corpus

What guarantee gives accused individuals the right to a hearing before being jailed?

Habeas Corpus

Following the rule of Oliver Cromwell who agreed to the Habeas Corpus Act and to other demands of Parliament?

The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 was agreed to by Charles II. His father, Charles I, had agreed to a previous one in 1641. The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 was agreed to by Charles II. His father, Charles I, had agreed to a previous one in 1641.

What rights were guaranteed by the Habeas Corpus Act?

because of the habeas corpus act a monarch could not put someone in jail simply for opposing the ruler also prisoners could not be held inderinitely without trials.

What rights were guaranteed by habeas corpus act?

because of the habeas corpus act a monarch could not put someone in jail simply for opposing the ruler also prisoners could not be held inderinitely without trials.

Who agreed to the Habeas Corpus Act and to other demands of Parliament?

Oliver Cromwell was the person that agreed to the Habeas Corpus Act and to other demands made by the British Parliament. Oliver Cromwell was a military and political leader in England.

The Habeas Corpus Act assured a person of a trial within?

Twenty days

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What has the author John Merryman written?

John Merryman has written: 'Habeas corpus' -- subject(s): Civil rights, Trials, litigation, Trials (Treason), Habeas corpus 'Habeas corpus, the proceedings in the case of John Merryman, of Baltimore County, Maryland' -- subject(s): Habeas corpus 'The Merryman habeas corpus case, Baltimore' -- subject(s): Habeas corpus