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Change, alteration.

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Q: What does amendent mean?
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What is the privacy amendment?

Privacy amendent does not exist..

How many states are needed to ratify an amendent?


Abolished slavery in all states?

13th amendent

Which Amendent was most recent one to be passed?

27th amendment

Which amendent gave African Americans the right to vote?

the 15th amendment

Which amendment allows congress to levy taxes based on an individuals income?

the 16th amendent

When did the 15th amendent pass?

Wikipedia says: It [The 15th Amendment] was ratified on February 3, 1870.

How much of congress must approve an amendent to the us constitution before it is sent to states?


Under which category does the constitutional amendent fall right to keep and bear arm and maintain state militias?

Basic Rights

How did the thirteenth Amendent change the US?

The 13th amendment outlawed slavery of any kind. Before this time it was left up to the states.

What is the Twelfth Amendent?

The Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII) to the United States Constitution provides the procedure for electing the President and Vice President.

Why is there debate over the exact rights guaranteed by the second Amendent?

because the right to bear arms has been taken...overboard and people are going and using that right wrongly and doing bad things with it.