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According to john Locke a right was to have liberty, life, and happiness. This is a philosophy and not an actual ability that governments can do. He said that God gave man these rights and in the time of kings that was a revolutionary idea.

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Gregorio Lind

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Rights that every person deserves, and cannot be removed (or alienated) from.

The final version of the Declaration of Independence used the word "unalienable," but some of the earlier drafts used "inalienable."

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Q: What does inalienable rights mean in the Declaration of Independence?
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What The declaration of independence says all men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.'' what does this mean?

What The declaration of independence says all men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.'' what does this mean?

What does good government mean in the declaration of independence?

in the declaration of independence what is good government means

What did the Declaration of Independence mean?

That the colonist wanted independence from Britain .

What does with certain inalienable rights mean?

This is a line from the US declaration of Independence from Great Britain. "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" It is an expansion on a train of thought in British (and therefore American) legal thinking at the time, that a Government cannot take away certain rights nor can people voluntarily give them up this is what "unalienable" means - "can't be got rid of" so it means basically "people have some rights which are untouchable by anyone" the Declaration goes on to list some of these rights "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What are three alienable rights?

An alienable right is a right that can be signed away to someone else, usually a governing body, who can then take it away from you. Alienable rights are different from unalienable, which are inherent to all people and any contract signing them away is invalid. It is just to take away alienable rights that have been contracted away, but always unjust to take away alienable rights.

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What The declaration of independence says all men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.'' what does this mean?

What The declaration of independence says all men are created equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.'' what does this mean?

What does the second paragraph of Declaration of Independence mean?

It was describing the rights that the colonists believed they should've had.

What does the second paragraph of the declaration of independence mean?

It was describing the rights that the colonists believed they should've had.

What does the natural rights mean in the declaration of independence?

That the government should protect the rights of their citizens.

The rights in the Declaration are idealistic what does that mean?

It means that the rights and ideas set forth in the Declaration of Independence are what we should strive for, even though we may sometimes fall short of hitting the mark.

Why does the author mean by inalienable rights?

it means you cant take the rights to other planets

What happened after the declaration of independence had been published in the Independence Hall?

What does the Declaration of Independence mean

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Who bestow unalienable rights?

For the religiously inclined, inalienable rights are bestowed by the Creator. For the less religious, we choose to bestow them upon ourselves. The assertion that a right is inalienable only means that we don't think it should ever be violated, it doesn't mean that in reality someone will not violate it. There does not seem to be any cosmic agency that is actively protecting such rights. Citizens of the US, for example, are said by the founding fathers to be endowed by their Creator with the inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, people still get murdered, thus depriving them of all three of those things.

What did John locked have to do with the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke (Not John Locked) was the inventer of The Social Contract. Locke's Contract states that people had certain unalienable rights, mainly life, liberty, and property. The authors of the Declaration of Independence were protesting British rule over the American colonies, claiming that the British government had violated these rights. (The Declaration of Independence features "the pursuit of happiness" instead of property as the third unalienable right) *Unalienable rights mean rights that are automatically given to everyone*

What did the Declaration of Independence mean?

That the colonist wanted independence from Britain .