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This was our founding document-- it let the British know we wanted to be a free country, rather than a colony of England. By declaring our independence, we gave birth to a new nation: the United States.

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Q: What does it mean when the Declaration of Independence is called the birth certificate of the US?
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The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are?

The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are theirs from birth.

What are the broken up parts of the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is broken up by parts. There's three parts. 1. Stresses the idea of natural rights, or rights that belong to all people from birth. 2. lists wrongs that led the Americans to break away from Britain. 3. announces that the colonies are the United States of America.

What is the lasting impact of the Declaration of Independence?

Some of the effects of the Declaration of Independence are the birth of a more democratic form of government. It also proposed the idea that people were free to live without threat of tyranny. This idea inspired the world, and still does to this day.

Did the declaration of independence talk about the role of government?

Not really. The declaration talked about who had a right to govern. It did not dispute the need for government, but justified the right to be independent of the rule of the English king and the right of the people to choose their government. It attacked the idea that people like King George had to right to rule because of their royal birth.

Was the constitution ratified on July 4 1776?

Expert answerThe Declaration of Independence of the 13 American colonies issued this document and the date is considered to be the birth of a new nation. A war with Great Britain would, however, be required to win independence. The creation of the United States came much later in 1789 with the ratification of the US Constitution. This governing document was a milestone in world history. The USA became the first true republic since ancient Rome had a "republic.

Related questions

What document was called the birth certificate of a new nation?

The declaration of independence

Why is the declaration of independence compared to a birth certificate?

Most people consider the signing of the Declaration as the birth of America.

What is the birth certificate of the US?

What do you mean: are you thinking of the Declaration of Independence (1776) or are you asking what a US birth certificate looks like?

The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are?

The Declaration of Independence asserts that the rights of men are theirs from birth.

Is New York City the birth place of our nation?

No, the Declaration of Independence and the constitution was written in Philadelphia.

Why did the declaration of indepence make birth certificates?

It didn't. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. Birth certificates didn't become common in most parts of the United States until the late 1800s.

Is an authorized birth certificate the same as a certified birth certificate?

The authorized birth certificate may refer to the Original birth certificate rather than the Copy of the Birth Certificate.

What are some effects of Declaration of Independence?

Some of the effects of the Declaration of Independence are the birth of a more democratic form of government. It also proposed the idea that people were free to live without threat of tyranny. This idea inspired the world, and still does to this day.

What is the significance of july4th in American history?

the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which also signify the birth of the united states as a new nation

What is the birth date of the US?

Technically speaking, the United States was born July 4, 1776 with the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Is a birth certificate a power of attorney?

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Can adoption certificate be just for a birth certificate?

No. Birth and Adoption certificate are different