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A country must have a written plan of government to keep order. People must know the laws and hierarchy of government officials.

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Q: What does written plan of government mean?
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What is written plan of government?

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What is a written plan of government?

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What is the name of the written plan that provides the rules for government?

A constitution is a set of written rules that sets down a plan on how to operate a government.

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A written plan of government is called a constitution.

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The plan is the US Constitution, which defines the government and its powers.

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the constitution

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The U.S. Constitution?

is a written plan of government it was created by the founders of the us and it identifies the purpose of the us government is a written plan of government it was created by the founders of the us and it identifies the purpose of the us government is a written plan of government it was created by the founders of the us and it identifies the purpose of the us government

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The constitution

What is the written plan of government of the US?

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