1) Money
2) Lobbyists
3) The candidate
4) Seniority of the candidate
5) Campaigning by the candidate
his or her popularity
The government of the late 19th century was very inactive in meeting the needs of citizens. There were a number of weak presidents and Congress was both disorderly as well as ineffective. Campaigns were filled with bribery, fraud and character assassination. Voter turnout was at an all time high and resulted in a number of very close elections and an equal balance of power. As a result, several popular movements of protest sprung up that impacted key elections. One group, the Populists, turned dissatisfaction with the government into an important third party.
There can be plenty of factors influencing policy making in a country. Some are:geographical factors.socio-economic factors.multiculturalism.plurality of the country.castesim.class differences.poverty and backwardness.if you need to go more into depth on this topic... search Google or Yahoo Answers
Jerrymandering is remapping a Congressional district to ensure one party's holding on to that seat. This is done by looking at the most recent census as well as other factors to ensure the maximum number of likely voters for a certain political party while at the same time trying to divide up the voters for the opposite political party.
US Supreme Court Justices should not be influenced by Political pressure, popular opinion, or their own biases. They should only compare the case in the light of the US Constitution.
Parent Rock (material) and Climate.
Mass and position.
Parent Rock (material) and Climate.
the education and how well the two losers get along
Climate and parent material have the greatest influence in soil formation. Climate affects the rate of weathering and organic matter decomposition, while parent material determines the chemical and physical properties of the soil.
Climate would have the greatest influence on soil formation, as factors such as temperature and precipitation play a significant role in determining the rate of weathering and decomposition of rocks and organic matter.
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Climate and parent material are the two factors that have the greatest influence on soil formation. Climate affects the rate of weathering and the type of vegetation that grows, while parent material plays a role in determining the mineral composition and texture of the soil.