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Q: What fraction of senators must approve a treaty with another country after it is proposed by the executive branch?
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28/2 is another fraction.

What can you compare a fraction to?

Another fraction.

Is Barack Obama the executive?

Not just the "executive." One of the titles for the president is the "Chief Executive," and another is the "Commander in Chief."

Agreement between the president and the leader of another country?

executive agreement executive agreement

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An equivilant fraction is a fraction that equals the same as another fraction when simplified.

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What is anothert fraction for 15?

15 is an integer, not a fraction. So there is not another fraction.

Which is an example of informal constitution change by executive action?

The President makes an executive agreement with Another Country instead of a formal treaty

What are three instances where one part of the government checks anotherchecks and balances?

The Executive Branch can veto a bill proposed by the Legislative Branch. The Legislative Branch can override the president's veto with another vote on the bill; it requires a greater majority than a simple one. The Judicial Branch determines if a bill is constitutional or not. The Executive Branch nominates the members of the Supreme Court and most of the judicial branch. The Legislative Branch has to approve the nominations from the Executive Branch.

What are the 2 bodies responsible for making laws in the U.S.?

The executive division (president and cabinet) and the congress (senators and representatives).Another View: There is only ONE lawmaking branch of government in the US, that is the Legislative Branch of government. This is true regardless of whether or not we are speaking of the federal government or a state government.The Executive Branch's responsibility is to CARRY OUT the laws passed by the Legislative Branch.

What is another fraction between three fifths and four fifths?

Another fraction could be 3.5/4.