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It is said to be only a third of them -33 to 34- expire every two years, that is why the Senate is also called a continuous body, because all its seats are never up for election at the same time.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

The anwser is 1/3

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Q: What fraction of the senate is up for election every two years?
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What fraction of the senate is up for re election?

Every two years 1/3 of the senate is re-elected.

What fraction of the senate is up for reelection every 2 years?

One third of the Senate is elected every two years. Senators serve six year terms. With 100 members of the Senate at the moment, every six years 1/3 plus one of the Senators stands for election since 100 cannot be divided equally by 3.

How often does the senate hold an election?

United States Senators serve six-year terms that are staggered, so that every two years, a third of all Senate seats would be up for election.

What percentage of the senate is up for election or re election in national elections?

1/3 of Senate seats are up for election every two years.

Is one third of the house of representatives up for election?

No, one third of the Senate is up for election every two years. The entire House of Representatives is up for election every two years.

Terms for Senate?

The terms for Senate are usually six years. Approximately one third of the total membership of the senate are up for election every two years.

How often are reprensentatives of the congress chosen?

US House of Representatives every two years. Entire House is up for election in all even years. U.S. Senate terms are every six years. 1/3 of Senate is up for election in even years.

How many fraction and aproximate number are elected every 2 years?

100% of the 435 U. S. Representatives' seats and about 1/3 or 33 of the U. S. Senate seats come up for election every two years.

How long is a senator's term and what fraction of the senate is up for re- election at one time?

2 years and 1/3 of that time is re election

How long is a senator's term and what fraction of the senate is up for re-election at one time?

2 years and 1/3 of that time is re election

How long is a senator's term and what fraction of the senate is up for re election at one time?

2 years and 1/3 of that time is re election

On average how many senate seats are up for election every two years?

34 U. S. Senate seats, one from each of 34 states, come up for election every six years, including 2016. 33 U. S. Senate seats, one from each of 33 states, come up for election in every other even-numbered year.