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Q: What governmental structure has states counties and cities under its authority?
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What are the geographical regions within a state that encompass several cities and have specific governmental powers?


What is the most common type of governmental unit in America?

Municipal (city) governments are most common, as there are more cities than counties, more counties than states, and more states than the one federal government.

Continents are divided into countries then they are divided into states how are some of the US then divided?

In the United States, states are further subdivided into counties or county equivalents. Counties are then divided into cities, towns, or townships. Cities can have neighborhoods or districts within them. This hierarchical structure helps with governance and local administration.

Which states allow cities or counties to levy income and sales tax?

States such as Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, and California allow cities or counties to levy income and sales tax. The authority for local governments to impose these taxes can vary by state and is subject to state laws and regulations.

Define a political map?

A political map is a map that shows the governmental boundaries of states, counties, and countries. Political maps typically show the locations of important bodies of water and major cities.

What counties are in Antarctica?

There are no counties, cities, states or countries in Antarctica.

Did Oklahoma have cities or counties during the Civil War?

Oklahoma was in fact divided into counties during the Civil War. It might have had cities, but the maps are divided into counties.

Which region in the US is divided into smaller regions?

The US is divided into states, which are then further divided into smaller administrative regions such as counties, cities, and townships. Each state is made up of different counties which are then divided into cities or townships depending on the state's administrative structure.

What is the difference between a county and a city?

A city is a well populated place where there are heaps of shops and massive warehouses. A country is a large peice of land witheven more people. For example:- Sydney is a city in Australia. Australia is a Country. But there could be more than just 1 city in a Country. In some states, all the cities are governmental units of the surrounding counties. In Virginia, cities and counties are separate government units. Some of its counties are bigger in population than its cities.

How many Counties in AR?

Their are 75 counties and 135 cities in AR!

A form of local government organized to provide education is called a?

In the United States, public education is handled at the local governmental level. This is usually done by school boards of counties, cities, or regions.

How is a political map used?

Political maps are used to show governmental boundaries of countries, states, counties and major cities such as London. In other words these maps separates different countries and blah blah blah....