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Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill are the same thing. Breed's Hill is famous for the "Battle of Bunker Hill" that happened during the American Revolutionary War. The casualties for the 13 colonies were 115 deaths, 305 injuries, and 30 captured. For England, they had 226 deaths(19 of them were officers), 828 injuries.

In the end, the English won, but with the amount of deaths and injuries the English had the colonies thought of it as a victory.

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Breeds Hill is where the battle of Bunker Hill actually took place. They are very close together.

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Q: What happened at Bunker Hill and Breeds Hill?
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Who was at bunker hill and who was at breeds hill?

nobody they were at breeds hill in the morning

What was the hill called where the battle of bunker hill was fought?

the battle of bunker hill was really at breeds hill because in the middle of the night , the soldiers got confused, but when they arrived at breeds hill, they all thought they were at bunker hill.

Why did the British end up capturing Bunker Hill or Breeds Hill?

Breeds hill

What state did the Battle of Bunker Hill take place?

The Battle of Bunker Hill was taken place in Boston, Massachusetts on breeds hill

Location of the Battle of Bunker Hill?

breeds hill=)

Where is breeds hill?

Adjoining Bunker Hill in Charlestown Massachusetts. Adjoining Bunker Hill in Charlestown Massachusetts.

Why did British attack breeds hill?

The British wanted to attack bunker hill because from bunker hill all of Boston could be hit by cannon fire. However because of a mistake they attacked breeds hill thinking it was bunker hill.

Is bunker hill and breeds hill the same?

Breeds Hill and Bunker Hill are adjoining hills located in Boston. During the Revolutionary war, a battle that was fought on Breeds Hill was mistakenly identified as the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Why did colonel Prescott and his men choose to fortify breeds hill ins ted of bunker hill?

Breeds Hill was lower and closer to the harbor.

When was the battle of the battle of bunker hill breeds hill?

it was in 111111111111111111111111111111

In what American colony did the Battle of Bunker Hill occur in the1775?

Bunker Hill or Breeds Hill is located in Boston, Mass.

Where was the actual Battle of Bunker Hill located?

It is Breeds Hill in Boston.