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Q: What happens to a bill if a committee does not approve it?
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What happens to a bill when the committee thinks it is not worthy?

The bill is tabled, or set aside.

What happens if committee members decide they like a bill?

They kill it

What happens to a bill that are pigeonholed?

Most bills die in committee.

What happens to a House bill after it is reported by the full committee?

One a bill is reported, the committee sends the report back to the chamber and the bill is placed on the calendar. When the bill is sent back to the chamber it will have a written statement with it telling why the committee is in favor of the bill. There may also be a statement from those on the committee who oppose the bill.

What must happen befor a bill is presented for discussion to the entire house or senate?

A standing committee must must approve it.

What is the next step after a bill is introduced in the house and numbered?

It goes to Committee.

What typically happens to a House bill after it is reported by the full committee?

One a bill is reported, the committee sends the report back to the chamber and the bill is placed on the calendar. When the bill is sent back to the chamber it will have a written statement with it telling why the committee is in favor of the bill. There may also be a statement from those on the committee who oppose the bill.

What are three things a committee can do with a bill?

three things that a committee can do with a bill are 1.)read the bill 2.)converse about the bill and 3.) they can change the bill

What happens if committee members decides they don't like a bill?

They kill it

When a committee meets to amend or approve a new bill what is the session called?

When congress is developing a bill, both the House of representatives and the Senate must form a confernce comittee.

What happens after both houses of congress approve a bill by a majority vote?

The Bill is then sent to the president for his signature or veto.

What courses of action can a committee take on a new bill?

The committee, after a vote, may: recommend that the bill be passed-or passed as amended-and send it directly to the Senate or House fl oor; recommend that the bill be passed-or passed as amended-and be placed on the Consent Calendar; approve the bill and send it on to another committee for further discussion; send the bill to the fl oor or another committee without a recommendation for passage; keep it in committee indefi nitely; or simply defeat it.