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The Congress has delegated powers of the President to increase so he can make more necessary decisions to help run the US.

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7y ago

Actually there has been no growth of presidential power. Some have tried to have an imperial presidency, but our system of checks and balances has stopped this from lasting for very long.

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Q: What has caused an increase over time in the president's delegated power?
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How do you use delegated of power in a sentence?

power [[[[[ delegated

How do you use delegated power in a sentence?

power [[[[[ delegated

How do you explain Delegated Power?

Delegated power is power specifically outlined in the Constitution. These are in contrast to implied powers which are not outlined.

Would impeachment of the president be a delegated power?

No, it's an expressed power of Congress and could not be delegated.

What power that can be delegated by the president?

executive power

What can delegated powers do?

Delegated powers are specific powers assigned to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, such as the power to regulate interstate commerce, coin money, and declare war. These powers are important for the functioning of the federal government and enable it to carry out its responsibilities effectively.

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Trade is a delegated power to the US Congress.

Why are delegated powers called delegated powers?

They are called so because they are power specifically delegated to a certain level of government's jurisdiction.

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Is coining money a delegated implied reserved or concurrent power?

In the US government, the power of coining money is delegated or expressed.

The change in the twentieth century that meant a substantial increase in presidential power was?

amending the constitution to grant presidents more war power.

A Constitutional power specifically delegated to the federal is the power to?

One Constitutional power specifically delegated to the federal government is the power to declare war.