The social or political setting in which it occurred
Historical events which have occurred have a probability of 1. They are a certainty. This refers to the event itself, not some historian's or politician's interpretation of what happened. However, the probability that they will occur again depends on the event. Exact recurrence is impossible (probability = 0).
There were lots of historical events that occurred in 1633. One such event is on October 8th, 1633 the Massachusetts colony created its first government.
When a historian refers to the historical context of an event they mean that they want you to look at the attitude, conditions and mood of the time of a specific historical event.
It is a historical event (in the past)
Something to do with Lewis and Clark's journey.
An event's historical context is the social or political setting in which it occurred.
important historical event that occurred during his term /john f. kennedy.
Ella Grasso
The social or political setting in which it occurred
The main historical event was in France, where 1794 witnessed the fall and execution of Robbespierre and the end of the period known as 'the reign of terror'.
The Ku Klux Klan was founded, December 24th.
One historical event that occurred during Jane Goodall's lifetime was the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, which took place in the 1960s.
To understand the order in which event occurred. (APEX)
The American Civil War.
The industrial revolution