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Q: What idea did Senator Stephen A. Douglas support?
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What was Stephen A Duglas's role in pssing the Compromise of 1850?

I'm pretty sure Stephen A. Douglas DID NOT pass the Compromise of 1850. He only agreed about the idea of a railroad starting from Chicago to the Pacific Ocean. Douglas's plan failed anyway, but just to be clear that Stephen A. Douglass was NOT in any part of passing the Compromise of 1850, I promise you! Yea you are wrong, he helped pass the law through congress by splitting them up into 6 (later 5) separate measures. few members were prepared to vote for all of them, but from different elements Douglas hoped to mobilize a majority for each.

How did Nebraska become a Territory?

To begin with, Nebraska was gained as a territory at first during Thomas Jefferson's presidency, in which he made the Louisiana Purchase. Afterwards, Lewis and Clarke led their influential expedition which led others to live in the territory. Nebraska was finally admitted as a territory when Senator Stephen Douglas proposed the idea of popular sovereignty for the "Kansas- Nebraska Act", in this idea the people living within the land voted for whether or not they wanted slavery. People ended up voting for slavery thus repealing the Missouri Compromise, which had banned any slavery north of the 36' 30' line.

Which political idea does this activist support?


What are Marxist ideas?

Marxist idea are the idea mastermind from Marx which support equality for all human being and that it is established to overthrow capitalism and support socialism or communism.

What is an idea or Person that does not support a specific party?

A person who does not express support or involvement with a political party is known as an independent.

Related questions

What democratic senator pushed the idea of popular sovereignty in kansas?

stephen Douglas 8=====>

What ideas did Stephen Douglas support regarding the spread of slavery?

Stephen Douglas was born on April 23, 1813 in Brandon Vermont. Yes, he did support slavery.

Who was one of the chief supporters of sovereignty?

The person who really spread this idea-- which was also called "popular sovereignty," was Senator Stephen A. Douglas, circa 1854. This was one of the topics Douglas raised when he debated Abraham Lincoln in 1858.

Who had the idea for a railroad from Chicago to Sacramento?

The famous senator from Illinois, Stephen Douglas envisioned a transcontinental railway. His proposal was to have the railway begin in Chicago, his native State and travel to California.

Why did Stephen Douglas propose doing away with the Missouri compromise?

Senator Douglas thought that a local vote - or 'popular sovereignty' - would be a better way of deciding for or against slavery in the new States.

Who was the congress member that promoted the idea of popular sovereignty?

Stephen A Douglas

What 19th century politician is most closely associated with the idea of popular sovereignty?

The Democratic senator from Illinois, Stephen Douglas is most associated with the idea of popular sovereignty. His Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 allowed citizens in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to vote on the slavery issue before the territory applied for statehood.

What democratic senator the idea of popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska?

Stephen A. Douglas was an American politician from Illinois and the designed of the Nebraska-Kansas Act. The act wanted to create a sovereign nation that allowed male white settlers whether they would allow slavery in those nations.Ê

How did Stephen Douglas want to settle the crisis of slavery?

Stephen Douglas proposed the idea of popular sovereignty, allowing territories to vote on whether to allow slavery. He believed this would settle the issue by letting the people in each territory decide for themselves.

What Democratic Senator push the idea of popular sovereignty Kansas and Nebraska?

Stephen A. Douglas was an American politician from Illinois and the designed of the Nebraska-Kansas Act. The act wanted to create a sovereign nation that allowed male white settlers whether they would allow slavery in those nations.Ê

In what document did Douglas state that people can decide wheter ot not about slavery?

Stephen Douglas's idea of popular sovereignty for the expansion of slavery was not in a document, but rather came out in his debates with Abraham Lincoln.

He proposed the idea of popular sovereignty for the us territories?

The person that proposed the idea was Senator StephenA. Douglas. He wanted to abandon the MKissouri Compromise and let the settlers in each territory vote on whether to allow slavery.