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It did happen several times, and what happened was, the office of Vice President remained vacant until the subsequent election. In terms of Presidential succession, the next person in line (Speaker of the House) would have "moved up" had the President died or resigned, but that never happened.

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Q: What if a vice president died before the 25th amendment?
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If a president died and the vice president takes over what must happen to get a new vice president?

If a President dies and the Vice President takes over, the new President would appoint a vice president, authorized by the 25th amendment.

Why didn't Chester Alan Arthur have a vice president?

Because it wasn't until the 25th Amendment was passed that there was a need for a Vice President. Often when a V.P. took the Presidency they simply left the position of the Vice President vacant until the next election. The only consequence of the time would be there was no one there to break a tie in the Senate.

Who became vice-president when Lincoln died?

When Lincoln was assassinated, Vice President Andrew Johnson became the new President. No new Vice President was chosen; the office was vacant until Ulysses Grant was elected President in 1868 and Schuyler Colfax became Vice President. This is why the Constitution was amended in 1967, with the 25th Amendment. It finally set rules for how a new Vice President is chosen when the sitting Vice President has to take over the Presidency.

In 1951 the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. This amendment states that a president can only be elected to serve two terms. This amendment had been ratified in response to?

The number of years FDR was president. He served 3 terms and died in office.

Who was elected president but died before taking office?

None of the individuals who were elected as President died before taking office. William Henry Harrison was sworn in and died 31 days later.

Related questions

Which amendment detailed who would become President if the President died?

The 25th amendment

If a president died and the vice president takes over what must happen to get a new vice president?

If a President dies and the Vice President takes over, the new President would appoint a vice president, authorized by the 25th amendment.

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Who became president when Abraham Lincoln died?

Andrew Johnson became the president, and had no vice president. At that time, the 25th amendment had not yet been passed, so there was no legal method for appointing a new vice president outside of an election.

What amendment made vice president president if the president died?

Though stated in the body of the original Constitution, Article II, Secotion 1, the 25th Amendment (XXV) further clarifies that the Vice President is always the direct successor to the President (in the event of his/her death, or other special circumstances elaborated on therein). Additionally, the 20th Amendment (XX) provides that in the event of the President-elect's death (again, among other things) prior to being swort in, the Vice-President elect is to then serve as President in his place (from innauguration day until the end of the original term 4 years later).

Who was Vice President Chester A. Arthur?

There was no U.S. vice president while Chester A. Arthur was President. As Vice President under President Garfield, he became President when Garfield died in September 1881 from infection caused by a bunch of unsterile fingers poking around inside him in search of the bullet from when he was shot in July of that year. Before the 1967 ratification of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, whenever there was a vacancy in the vice presidency it wasn't filled until the next Inauguration Day.

Why did Millard fillmore have no vice president?

Fillmore himself was originally Zachary Taylor's VP. When Taylor died in office, Fillmore became President. Before the ratification of the 25th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution in February, 1967, whenever the vice presidency was vacated due to the death or resignation of the vice president or the president, the office just remained vacant until the next Inauguration Day.

What amendment was created in reaction to Kennedy's assassination?

After Kennedy died there became a clear way to determine presidential succession. This became the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.

Until the 25th amendment was passed what happened if a vice president died in office?

It did happen several times, and what happened was, the office of Vice President remained vacant until the subsequent election. In terms of Presidential succession, the next person in line (Speaker of the What_if_a_vice_president_died_before_the_25th_amendment) would have "moved up" had the President died or resigned, but that never happened.

Who would be the replacement president if the President died and the Vice President became President?

If the President dies, the Vice President becomes President and under the terms of the 25th Amendment, he would nominate a new Vice President. If he were to die before the new VP could be confirmed by Congress, the Speaker of the House would become President. The line of Presidential succession is much longer : after the Speaker, there is the President pro tempore of the Senate, and then the eligible members of the President's Cabinet, beginning with the Secretary of State. (see related question)

Why did some us presidents have no vice president?

Until the 25th amendment was ratified in 1967, the position of vice-president was left vacant until the next election if the vice-president became President. Consequently. John Tyler, Andrew Johnson and Chester Arthur never had a vice-president. Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Lyndon Johnson and Harry Truman did not have a vice-president for their first term. Franklin Pierce's vice-president died before he made it to Washington to serve, but he was sworn in at home.

Why didn't Chester Alan Arthur have a vice president?

Because it wasn't until the 25th Amendment was passed that there was a need for a Vice President. Often when a V.P. took the Presidency they simply left the position of the Vice President vacant until the next election. The only consequence of the time would be there was no one there to break a tie in the Senate.