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Actually Nixon had quite a few... Rich, Richie, Rick, Ricky, Dick, Dickie .

I think the name you are looking for was "tricky dick" a name given him by the press corps during the watergate scandal.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Richard Nixon had a total of three nicknames in his lifetime. His nicknames were Slick Rick, Red Hunter, and Tricky Dick.

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7y ago

The nickname "Tricky Dick" was given to Nixon by his opponent Helen Gahagan Douglas during the 1950 race for Senate.

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14y ago

"Tricky Dick" or "Tricky Dicky" were heard as early as his first political campeigns in 1946 (Dick is a common nickname for Richard).

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10y ago

Richard Nixon went by Tricky Dick, Red Hunter, and Slick Rick.

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7y ago

Although Tricky Dick was the most popular nickname, some called Richard Nixon: The Boss, Richard the Chicken-Hearted, and Gloomy Gus.

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11y ago

tricky dick and red hunter

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14y ago

no he did not

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12y ago

I am not a crook.

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