It was a dangerous job as it involved carrying messages from regimental headquarters to the front-line.
Drop out of the race and support the front-runner -Apex
In US politics, being an early front-runner in a US presidential campaign guarantees you will be in the first Presidential Debate. This also brings more media coverage, but it does not guarantee you would be the party's nominee.
Sometimes, revolutionaries dispatch their former despots. Saddam Hussein was considered to be a despot beause he had secrert spies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit below by: Tj8rocks I learned that Adolf Hitler is a despot! (Does that make sense?)
Johnny Tremain - The story's protagonist. He is 14 years old and is apprenticed to silversmith Ephraim Lapham. His hand is badly injured, so he becomes a dispatch rider with the Boston
The runner who was late for the start of the marathon was...Answer: NOT TOO SWIFT (often, taunt, polish, outwit)
you can dispatch the product now. My order has been Dispatched.
My adjutant draws near with the dispatch. My boxer will dispatch your boxer easily.
There are several suppliers of police dispatch software. Some of the more popular packages include: Computer Aided Dispatch Software, EMT Dispatch Software and Filed Dispatch Software.
The plural of dispatch is dispatches.
"He received a dispatch from the foreign correspondent." (message) "I shall dispatch you in armed combat." (kill or defeat quickly) "The project must be completed with dispatch." (haste, no delay)
I'll have my aide dispatch a messenger at once.
The Columbus Dispatch was created in 1871.
The York Dispatch was created in 1876.
The Herald-Dispatch was created in 1909.
Daily Dispatch was created in 1872.