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Q: What is a government with 2 kings called?
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What is the head executive of the government called?

In the United States, the head executive of the government is called president. Other countries may have prime ministers, chancellors, or kings.

Was the government hatshepsut controlled a democracy?

There were no democracies back them. It was a monarchy with kings and queens which later were called Pharaoh.

What where the Frankish kings of the seventh century called?

they were called the do-nothing-kings

What kind of goventment did the ancient spartas have?

The ancient Spartans had the government of oligarchy where 2 kings headed a council of elders.

What is the song from kings 2 episode 2?

This song is called Walk 500 Miles. It is really catchy and good.

Why did kings have so much power?

The Kings had so much power because there was no government.

What does the limited government do?

limits kings powers

What is the Government in which kings take decisions?

A monarchy

Which was part of the Spartan government?

Two kings

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What type of government did Sparta have?

The Spartan government was a fusion of monarchy, oligarchy and demoracy.It consisted of the two kings, the Gerousia, the Ephors and the Ecclesia:Gerousia - It consisted of the two kings plus 28 elders. They prepared and presented proposals for the vote of the assembly. They were elected.Ephor - There were 5 ephors. They advised and checked the kings, controlled the Krypteia, watched for divine signs about the kings rule, supervised the life of the people and called the assembly.Ecclesia - The assembly consisting of Spartiate men over the age of 30. They voted on the Gerousia's proposals.

The frankish kings of the seventh century were called the?

do nothing kings