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Q: What is a large and complex administrative structure that handles the everyday business of an organization?
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What is a large complex administrative structure that handles the everyday business of an organization?


Describe Kentucky Fried Chicken's business niche What type of business organization is it?

very very good organization everyday good incomes good pay job good service good taste tat's y people like it


Developing a routine for everyday tasks can help increase productivity and efficiency. It can also create a sense of structure and organization in your day, leading to better time management and overall well-being. Remember to include time for self-care and relaxation in your everyday schedule.

Is an AR from Jackson Hewitt counted as business days or everyday?

Everyday, not just business days.

Use modus operandi in a sentence?

The administrative professional has a modus operandi that she uses everyday

How do calendars help you in everyday life?

Calendars help you have organization in your life.

How is communication in the business world different from ordinary everyday communication?

business communication: it is more formal and business regarding communication. Everyday: it is informal communication base on the discussion of our daily based life.

You pay for a small business for a friend am I called a silent business partner?

Yes as long as you dont interfere with everyday business

Why do employees constitute one of the greatest threats to information security?

because employees use data in everyday activities to conduct the organization's business, their mistakes represent a serious threat to confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and even threats from outside.

Does information system influence organizations?

Information systems affect organization by creating a better working environment. They provide support for business operations, help with product development, build relationships with customers and suppliers, and help with the business model itself.

What type of organization is Save Darfur?

The organization Save Darfur is basically an organization to support the people of Darfur. Darfur is located in the region of Sudan. The propose of this organization is to bring awareness of their everyday struggle and to help inspire action and speaking the truth.

What is a plain everyday language with no pattern?

A plain everyday language with no pattern would be random and disjointed, lacking any structure or coherence.