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Q: What is a legislative act or Presidential action that violates the Constitution based on the interpretation of the Supreme Court?
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If a law violates the US Constitution it is said to be?

If a law violates the US Constitution, it is said to be unconstitutional.

What was the decision of Madison v marbury?

it is the supreme court that has the final sayin whether or not an act of government-legislative or executive at the federal, state, or local level-violates the constitution.

What determines if a law is still valid?

A law's validity is determined by whether it complies with the constitution, is enacted through the proper legislative process, and serves a legitimate government interest. If a law violates any of these principles, it may be deemed invalid and unenforceable.

What has President Obama done that violates the constitution?

Contrary to internet myth, the president has not violated the constitution.

What does the phrase violates democracy mean?

To go against the constitution.

If a law or pratice violates the US Constitution its said to be?

its said to be unconstitutional

Who has power to decide whether or not an action of the government violates the Constitution?


Who has the power to decide whether not an action of the government violates the Constitution?


Who has the power to decide whether or not an action of the government violates the Constitution.?


Who has the power to decide whether an action of the gov violates the constitution?

Supreme Court

Power to decide if the law violates the constitution?

(in the US) The US Supreme Court.

what court has jurisdiction over cases where a person or group violates the constitution?

federal court